Originally Posted by equation
ONE MORE THING...remember this is for YOUR pleasure primarily - don't pay to please HER or to show her what a fuckmonster you are. This is a trick bag a lot of us fall into.
Respectfully disagree. While I am not trying to show that I am a fuckmonster, I get more aroused and have a greater session if I give pleasure too. I like to have more of a "lover" or "seduction" session that just a quick fuck. If I just need to cum, I can stay home and grow hair in my hand.
Yeah, yeah - provides are the greatest actors and she might be faking, blah, blah. While that might be the case for some providers, it isn't for all. And some of those who hobby aren't as dumb as you think, most of the time we can pick up on clues that the provider is just acting.