Originally Posted by undercover1
The invasion of Iraq led by George W happened because W wanted the invasion and take down of Hussain. You're dreaming if you think if Clinton had taken Osama the Iraq war would never have happened.
If you believe what you said....you simply don't know your history and haven't read books by people inside the W administration and the speeches these neocons made during the Clinton years about the need to take Hussain out.
Of course there were people in BOTH parties that believed Saddam needed to go. Just as Clinton (yes, the subject of this thread himself) believed that Saddam had Chemical Weapons.
After the first Gulf war, with Saddam left in power, Saddam didn't change his ways. He started a second ethnic cleaning campaign against the Kurds in northern Iraq and the Shiites in the South. This led to us enforcing "no-fly" zones over these areas of Iraq under Clinton.
He also massed several divisions of troops on Kuwait's border and threatened to re-invade Kuwait on at least TWO occasions. This led to us having to keep large numbers of military personnel and equipment in the region in case Saddam decided to carry out his threats. He tested our "no-fly zones" numerous times, massed troops on the Kuwaiti border, continued to kill Kurds and Shiites with abandon and yes, by the way, Osama used our troop presence in the region as an excuse to attack us on 9/11.
What many also don't know (or maybe choose to have selective memory about) is this:
Prior to the invasion the CIA sent "SAD" (Special Activities Division) teams along with U.S. Special Forces personnel into northern Iraq. (Operation Viking Hammer)
They were sent in to take on an Al-Qaeda offshoot known as "Ansar-al-Islam", a known terrorist organization with Al Qaeda ties. During the battle with this group near Sargat, a suspected chemical lab was located. This lab contained traces of deadly toxins ricin and botulinum and was the only lab of it's type located. Before anyone says the CIA was "lying" about the tests, personnel from left leaning MSNBC conducted their own tests with the same results as reported here:
Also located at the camp were biological weapons suits to protect against these agents, anti-dote injectors for chemical weapons and manuals on how to produce chemical weapons.
Members of "Ansar-al-Islam put up quite a bit of resistance before artillery and long range 50 cal sniper weapon systems got the best of them.
Bottom line.....even if Bush didn't like Saddam for plotting to kill his father, Saddam was certainly stupid enough to give plenty of reasons for more people than just Bush to want him removed from power. The killing of the Kurds, Shiites, allowing an Al-Qaeda offshoot (Ansar-al-Islam) to set up shop there, massing his troops on the Kuwaiti border, violating the no-fly zones and allowing terrorists to attempt to produce biological/chemical weapons....all plenty of reason for many people to want to seek a regime change in Iraq at the time.