Originally Posted by JEN OF SYRACUSE
I understand what your saying but what is talking about it really gonna do??The mods removed threads and didnt give answers so obviously they dont want us to know what"really happened".The only thing talking about it is doing is starting pissing matches.Everyone has their own opinion of what happened but will we ever really know??
Let me clarify one thing..... no threads were removed or edited because we did not want anyone to know "what really happened." They were removed or edited for two reasons:
1) a member had their name posted in a thread and asked that they be removed from it. Or a member who started a thread asked that it be closed (and in one case that I was involved in, removed).
2) to try to get the bickering and bullshit to STOP. So you are right about the pissing matches, Jen. They suck. They are distracting and annoying.... and painful to some. Also, IMHO, I feel discussing the whole thing in public (since everything here is leaked!) is risky to many on the board. We ALL want our privacy in this hobby. Most of us know it is a very thin veneer, and that any of us can be outed at any time by anyone who is committed. No one needs this attention!
Any removals or edits that I did were strictly to try to get this to GO AWAY. There was no attempt or intention to "hide" the facts, no matter what some members say.... or believe. The facts are well known by many of you. Anyone who feels that they need to know more can ask by PM. But be careful who you ask! I believe that there is a lot of murky and bad info out there also. You might not ever feel like you are able to find out the whole story.
I realize how it looked to some. When the Mods take action and do not offer explanations, it can look suspicious. But it was not intended that way. I would like to say that we will try to be more open about these types of things in the future..... but I'm really hoping that there are not more of these types of things in the future! This has really sucked for us too.