We all have our opinions.
Any and every guy I have dated that I had to see every day, all day ended badly. The one man I could say I was truly in love with was one that had distance from me. He made me miss him, want him, long for him...that gets too common and trivial if one is around all the time. We never had the time to take each other for granted like many couples do today. Having space from a person so you can get your head straight is healthy.
As human beings we desire certain things apart from the people in our lives...does not mean we don't love them. I love my child more than anything, but I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy time on my own with adult friends...same with a spouse.
It does not mean going off to Vegas and looking at strippers for a week, but it could simply be a golfing trip for him and a few days at the spa for her. A partnership is not defined as not allowing the other person to have their own life within a partnership of marriage. You can be away from someone and still want them there, but also enjoy being apart. I don't buy that human beings cannot possibly relish being without each other for a few days...that sounds more like addiction and again, a codependent type relationship.
I miss someone I am in love with when they are away, but that does not mean I can't have girl's day or take off for a week. It makes me miss that person and want them even more when I return.