Randy - you surprise me on a regular basis. ((hug))
RoxxxY - If this is you - or at some point this is you - there are women advocates out there - or even groups out there that often times work to help gang members remove tat's that forever associate them with violent crimes and gangs...that could also help you remove that shitty air freshener tattoo.
(yeah Mr. Pimp - In the 90's your shitty little tattoo was actually riding around in the back of everybody's car, mine too! Whoopty fuckin doo da. Can't believe that's what inspired you to "mark" your girls. How originally creative.
They are too young to know that's what you are branding them with - an urbanized version of a pine tree or fuzzy dice!)
uparoundnoon - don't hold your breath man. remember all the stupid shit we fell for at that age? - and with her, she has probably seen a LOT of money in a short amount of time to fuck up her ability to make rational decisions (and because there are rules on this board, I will behave on anything else I otherwise might or might not say)....unfortunately, a pimp has gotten mixed up in all of this with her at the same time.
My own sexual adventures at her age had some older guy influence - but luckily - it was just some twisted pervs who were really good at teaching me how to suck some hella good dick (and were too selfish to try and pimp me out? fuck if I know. I was young, having fun and probably would have told them to fuck themselves if they had even tried to do so - let alone "mark me" with some shit like that!)
I think we ALL AGREE that she has an amazing body - her enhancements "fit" her well - and she could make it just fine doing this WITH OUT BIG SHOT PIMP DADDY WHO WOULDN'T FUCK FOR MONEY TO FEED HIS OWN STARVING MOTHER CUZ HE'S A FUCKING COWARD- or even stripping somewhere that she can give a little extra in the back from time to time. (of course those places don't actually exist - it's just pretend and I'm full of shit)