Originally Posted by BigEddie
From what I have heard, it is not your weight that is keeping guys from calling. Plenty of bigger girls do great in this business.
Ok why are people always getting on here and saying " From what I heard "
about someone and dising some girl they have no personal knowledge
of. I don't really care about what someone heard. She didn't say
anything about guys not calling her ether.
From her looks, reviews, and the way she presents herself here she
seems like a great girl. That's what I heard.
I for one like the fact that the girls get on here and express their
ideas and opinions about things, and are brave enough to put
themselves out there. So why is some dork always trying to scare
them off, beats me.
From what I heard their dorks, anyway.
You look and sound great to me Jewel.
Rock on with your cute ass self baby girl.