Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
 This guy is delusional, I quote the first sentence of your own post and ask if that is your only concern and you get all butthurt and defensive Not at all. I only responded to your lame attempt and having a dick has nothing to do with responding to your post. I have no idea what your referring to Learn how to comprehend a question before getting yourself all flustered. Maybe you should learn how to comprehend a reply before getting yourself all flusterd.  Nice try though.
I'm going to help you out. You seem to be lost.
Have you ever heard the expression, " you don't know dick?" that should help explain my post," your reply had dick to do with my post." Meaning your post had nothing to do with my original post.
Unless your a dude then my original post had nothing to do with a male escort screwing you. I'll post it again for you.