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Old 11-08-2011, 05:31 PM   #16
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Default that is precisely as American as you can get

Viva self indulgence!
The women here would be sorely
lacking capital if not for the self indulgent.

The flag on the Moon is a testimony
to self indulgence.

It's why we have cars bigger than some
europeen apts. Garages bigger than
their houses. Roads leading everywhere
.....and no where.

Cosmetic surgery, boobs: chalk another
to self indulgence.

24/7 fast food or grocery stores.
Convenient stores galores.

We have superstores and resorts
for our pets.

Yes the 70's era commies often made
a point of criticizing what they called
American self indulgence.
That propaganda has been out of circ
for awhile. Probably why the progs
think it's safe to trot it out again.

I live proudly in the once and future
Republic of Texas.
No punk ass hoodie, would muss up
my tribal locks.
I do not eschew modern technology.

What it must be like to be wrong so often.
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Old 11-08-2011, 08:43 PM   #17
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For all your important sounding words what you are really saying is:
--you feel no obligation to exercise the form of government that you profess to love
--you want those elected without your vote to protect your right to be a glutonous consumer

ARRRG! I do hate having you as the face of my American stereotype
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:23 PM   #18
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Personally I think this guy needs some serious therapy. Now he wants Texas to be it's own country. I suppose he want to be king. What it must be like to be delusional all the time. Just an opinion
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:13 PM   #19
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Default only speak for one's self

Ha you'll have to do better than that.
Pathetic boot licks.

Tyrants and autocrats demand as close to
100% election participation when they bother
with the whole ruse. They want to be able
to claim they got a mandate from the people.
For the longest time barely even a third voted
with any regularity. Hence their mandate to
rule was illusuory and everyone knew it.

I am in love with traditional American ideals.
I want no part of this baby killing, fag empowering,
commie ass govt.
Our Founders would be disgusted with all.
Not sure who they would hold in greater disdain.
The pols for being wicked evil empowering bastards.
Or the ignorant decadent population
who won't hang the seditious brigands.

Keep your despotism to yourself.
I desire to be king of no man.
I have a hard enough time controlling myself.
Heaven forbid I get any significant authority.

A man has got to know his limitations.
And I do.
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:29 PM   #20
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Phewww. Like I said
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Old 11-09-2011, 06:02 AM   #21
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Anax, you seriously don't get it, do you.

No one is saying you MUST vote. Only YOU read that in what people are posting.

No, what people are saying is it is the right thing to do. You are a clear example that in this country people have the right to be self-centered, illogical, bigoted, and yet still feel they are superior to everyone who disagrees with them. You also ignore the fact that the people who developed the system of government thought the vote was one of the most important pillars of the system.

You are like so many self-righteous prophets, quoting the minutia that supports your fringe views and ignoring anything that doesn't. Personally I don't think Texas is big enough for you. You would likely feel much more at home in Alaska, taking the train to some remote spot and then hiking two days into the wilderness where they would air-drop your grocery order once a year. That way you wouldn't be bothered by contact with humans.

Hopefully since election day has passed we won't have to read these posts from you for a while. Though somehow I'm sure you will find a different topic to belch out long rambling diatribes that only you seem to follow. I guess that is the higher intelect that comes with your unique view of reality, and talking daily with your personal deity.
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Old 11-09-2011, 08:53 AM   #22
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Default I place myself above no one except wannabe slaves

Tff, all I am doing is letting the air out of
various balloons. If afterward you think
I did so out of some notion of haughtiness
that's a reveal of yourself. Don't blame me.

I do this every election, just a first here.

While your rationale is straight civics 101,
and your points are valid; it's not taking
certain realities into account.
Castro, Chavez, Abbas, and Abuminejad
all practically force voting at gunpoint.

My major point is don't go vote because
you feel like it's something you're
supposed to do. If you want to fine.
But don't go thinking you're better
than someone who didn't.

I must in all honesty also state I don't
believe in one man one vote.
Just being alive shouldn't be the only
qualification to vote; nor did the
Framers intend such.
Male: businessmen, farmers, landowners,
academia, soldiers, and clergy- they vote.
Allowing the illeducated, landless, moneyless,
useless, and women to vote was/is an
invite to an eventual looting of the treasury
in the name of children and less fortunate.
Which is exactly what has happened.

The law of unintended consequences.
The Framers had the foresight and fortitude
to anticipate how events would/could play out.

I'll say it again for those who missed it.
I'd rather be right than liked.
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Old 11-09-2011, 02:56 PM   #23
Chica Chaser
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Alright, election day is over for now. That IS what the thread was about.

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