going on what HD said, a review is the story behind a "yes" or "no" recommendation.
basing one's decision on the yes or no, imo, is foolish or at least ignorant of some very useful information.
Originally Posted by Shiloh Stevens
At what point during a session do you decide if you are going to give the lady a GOOD or BAD review? I think this question can help us improve our service.
1. You arrive and it's the bait and switch scam.
2. You arrive, looks hot, lacks conversation, performance "wow".
3. You arrive, looks okay, great performance, little talk.
4. You arrive, looks okay, performance okay, great conversation.
Perhaps I am asking, what is your ideal combination?
And, can the review be improved if you just communicate during the session about what works for you?
rarely, and i mean rarely, do i know early on that my review and recommendation will be "no" or "why did i do that?" or "caveat emptor".
i wouldnt say i've ever been cheated, maybe disappointed or frustrated, but not cheated.
and fortunately, i can count on my hands the number of less than deliteful experiences out of all the ones i've had over the past 10 yrs.
most times, i know what she looks like or have a good idea. know what kinds of things she is into and not into. only a few times have i arrived not knowing what she looked like and was not pleased at what i saw - one time, a very Very VERY plain and unenticing face. another time, a very flabby midsection with long caesarian section scar. but in both cases, stayed and the consultation was so-so, despite pretty good reviews from others.
the few less than deliteful experiences i've had didnt become apparent until well into the session.
* in two cases, it was her actions [switching from a great bbbj to handjob well before the coffee was ready; not mentioned by others in their reviews].
* in another case, it was her lackluster skills and what i thought was lack of commitment/passion about the encounter.
* in another case, she told me waaaay too much personal info about her self, family, kids, legal matters, etc. waaaay too much!!
* in another case, her crotch didnt smell very fresh [not sure why].
* in another case, she complained loudly and foul-mouthedly that i poured my cup while inside and not on her backside. she had never mentioned it before hand. then derided my beard and mustache. again, nothing on her ads, showcases, website saying she didnt like beards.
* in the actions cases, i sent emails to the two women stating my experience and how i thought it might have gone better. both of them leveled both barrels at me, said i should have "man-ed up" during the session, and said i should never contact them again.
* in the lackluster skills case, i sent an email to the woman. she was apologetic and offered another session to demonstrate how she had improved. mainly cos i didnt find her as attractive as i originally thought she might be, i thanked her for the note, but didnt respond to her offer. no hard feelings; i am cordial to her when i see her at gatherings.
* in the too much personal info case, i wrote a review saying she just told me way too much info but otherwise i had fun. a few days later, she sent a verrrry long email bitching me cos she had heard what i wrote in my review. again, said she couldnt believe i would say such a thing, betrayed her, played the "man-up" card and said she didnt want my money and i should never contact her again. note - she didnt give me my money back.
* in the smelly woman and bitchy woman cases, i wrote reviews about my experiences. apparently, someone told them about the private ROS. and each sent me pm's bitching me out about writing of my experiences. btw, the bitchy woman got banned from here for other reasons.
Originally Posted by Shiloh Stevens
So the reviews are not really for the lady? They are to sort of create a presence for the men on the board?
But that can greatly influence the lady's business. If he feels cheated, can he not just verbalize it to the lady and be a man about it?
I'm just saying....
so, yes, i'd say the primary audience of the reviews is the other guys here on eccie [and those w/ PA access].
i'm not sure what you mean by "create a presence for the men" other than writing the info to share w/ the guys.
verbalizing it to the woman and being a man about it? i wish!!!
with the exception of the lackluster skills woman, my experiences of sharing my experience [either w/ the woman or the guys] tell me it is mostly not worth the effort. and unless the woman is receptive to respectful comments about her and her delivery, i dont think it is worth the effort.
sometimes after a deliteful to very deliteful time w/ the woman, i write a review. and sometimes i send her a copy, prior to posting or just after posting. some guys might think this is heresay, but no one has ever written me and said i'm a scourge upon hobbyland for doing so. i send it to the woman to see if there is anything i should reword or take out. only one woman has ever asked me to revise it cos of privacy or our special consulting fee arrangements.
regardless of the outcome, i'm a pretty straight up guy from start to finish.
sometimes i get lemons, sometimes i get lemonade, sometimes i get mango margaritas.