Originally Posted by mikemile41
The white trash comes from the way she talks too other people on the boards and her looks. Calling it like I see it.
Although I have never met Jules and don't even really know her, she looks very lovely to me and so I don't know why you would say something so cruel.
With that being said, " ... from the way she talks to other people on the boards and her looks ..." it would appear that you have an agenda, whether you're the original poster of this topic or someone who wants to throw a nasty bone into it for personal reasons.
What new member would supposedly KNOW so much about the posting habits of a seasoned person on this board?
Your posts are suspect.
As to the soured naysayers who are suggesting that all escort are thieves, you must not know the essence of many of us. For me, it's a calling and something that I enjoy. I also very much respect my special friends and client base in this demimonde. To read what others are saying is rather sad.
And shame on you! You'll find bad apples in all sectors of society. Not just in this one. Of course, this philosophy can be left to another topic.