.1. If your a married man and going out buying pussy and you wife or girl friend is at home where's Karma.
2. If your a provider and you have a SO and your taking money for pussy where's Karma.
3. If your a provider and taking money for pussy and you know or pretty sure the client your with is married or has a SO where's Karma.
4. If your a provider just selling pussy where's Karma.
Numbers one n two come down to being dishonest with, and taking advantage of, someone who you are supposed to care about. It could be done a hundred ways, and the hobby is one of them. It's the being dishonest and taking advantage that are wrong, but many people see things only in concrete terms, so the hundred ways get the blame.
Number 3 implies we are our brother's keeper, and must run our businesses for the benefit of our customer's karma. I'm not buying it, because it can not be done.
When you get a hotel room, should the hotel call to make sure your wife knows you are there? That the woman you are with is your wife? Should condoms only be sold to married people with a doctors ok?
I have a hard enough time keeping a positive ballance with my own karma. You want me to police everyone else? *Like I said, "I'm not buying it".
Number 4
Took ya four tries to get to it, but you finally spit it out. You think there is something immortal about selling pussy, all by itself.
I don't want to hear about sex slaves n pimps. That is not what we are talking about. I don't want to hear about SOs either. That's not the issue at hand in #4.
Give me a good reason to think badly of women who sell pussy, without adding other issues... If you can.
Guest your account, put away the computer, go home to your wife, worry about karma, and let us sinners continue to enjoy the commerce between us. It's good karma.