Originally Posted by Salty Again
... HISTORIC WIN!  ...
### Salty
It's hilarious that maga thinks this is a historic win. It was a fucking disaster for the insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump. Low turnout. Only got 51% of the vote. Only 27% of the people were under the age of 50, old, angry, white...aka maga.
The insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump seemed to get out his ill-informed braindead supporters, only 30% said Biden legitimately won the election to 65% said he did not. 58% want a nationwide ban on abortions. Again, high numbers of moronic maga tRump supports.
Over 40% of Haley voters said they would vote for Biden over the insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump.
Other bad news: 31% said he would be unfit for office of convicted of a crime.
This all coming from republican voters. Only going to get way worse when independents and democrats vote.