Originally Posted by berryberry
Once again
Here are the facts
The Far Left Democrat New York Attorney General had a far Left Democrat judge simply rule Trump committed fraud.
No trial.
No jury.
For the non-crime of Trump borrowing money from sophisticated Wall Street banks who all due their own due diligence before making any loan
And then for the non-crime of Trump paying back the same sophisticated Wall Street banks. In full. With interest.
This ruling is an absolute fucking joke. Can't wait til it eventually gets laughed at at the appellate level
It’s beyond comprehension that our Justice system has become so corrupt. This is why the left must be destroyed.

Magas continuing complaining, whining, crying, and bitching for this criminal insurrectionist treasonist traitor is an absolute fucking joke. Get used to it. He's a fucking lying-ass piece of shit criminal and justice is going to keep coming his way.
A great quote from Mary Trump's Twitter account:
"It's official: Donald Trump is the:
1st man in the Oval Office to be impeached twice
1st man in the Oval Office to incite an insurrection
1st to lose the popular vote TWICE
1st to be found liable for rape
1st to be INDICTED
And now…1st to be found a fraud in court.
But the media is missing the biggest reason this is so important: For the victims of Donald, this is finally some vindication.
It's been a long time coming, but after everything Donald has put this country through, WE HAVE PREVAILED."
A lot more yet to come. Unbelievable that the ill-informed magas keep trying to justify criminal actions of the insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump