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Old 08-13-2023, 12:19 AM   #16
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And tucky going on air and knowingly lying?
Can't see why you don't hold both in the same light.

Thanks for confirming he's a deadbeat by not contributing to the people that are paying him.
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Old 08-13-2023, 12:21 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
And tucky going on air and knowingly lying?
Can't see why you don't hold both in the same light.

Thanks for confirming he's a deadbeat by not contributing to the people that are paying him.

if you say so
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Old 08-13-2023, 03:01 AM   #18
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
trumpf tried to kill vp Pence Jan 6th.

Bet that won't show up on tucks tapes.
You might have “ jumped the shark” with this one.
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Old 08-13-2023, 11:29 AM   #19
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From the videos I've seen, the 41 month sentence handed out to the shaman was way too long. I don't see him participating in violence or destruction of property. Because of the way he dressed and because he's probably mentally off, he received more attention than the others, and a longer sentence.
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Old 08-13-2023, 11:47 AM   #20
Salty Again
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... He was "let loose" to the half-way house right after
the video aired... And may've been released already.

Prolly on the agreement that the fellow don't badmouth the
corrupt people who incarcerated him - and wouldn't allow
access to any videos for his defence.

... Though some new trial appeals are coming - due to
Tucker showing the videos.

... Tucker was just asking - WHY did the government
need to keep the videos hidden from barristers defending
the 6th Jan. people??

#### Salty
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Old 08-13-2023, 02:30 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
trumpf tried to kill vp Pence Jan 6th.

Bet that won't show up on tucks tapes.
Seriously, where is your evidence for that asinine statement, let me answer you ain’t got the first fucking bit . Anyone saying that is certified.
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Old 08-19-2023, 06:51 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
if you say so

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Old 08-20-2023, 02:10 AM   #23
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The Truth About January 6th.

According to Newsweek about 120,000 people protested at the capitol complex on January 6th. Only around 1100 people have been prosecuted so far.

Sounds to me like the majority of the there were protesting peacefully. I think that's true.

It also sounds like a minority were there to disrupt the vote count in an attempt to block the peaceful transfer of power to the newly elected president.

Both statements are true so Tucker isn't incorrect in some of his editorializing. But the truly disappointing thing is his attempt to minimize the actual issue. For the first time in American history the losing party failed to transfer power peacefully. That's a big deal and Tucker's attempt to gaslight the public about it should be condemned.
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Old 08-20-2023, 05:36 AM   #24
ICU 812
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Folks: I have moved on.

President Trump either will not or won't be able to run again. The die-hard Trump supporters are not enough to elect him alone, and the other Republicans don't want him. The centrist-undecided or independent voters don't want him.

Mr. Trump will soon be a footnote to the 2024 election.

Pretty much the same applies to President Biden and VP Harris. The liberal progressive power brokers do not want either Mr. Biden, or Ms. Harris to be their chosen nominee. The only political factor that could again sweep them into office again would be a strong Trump campaign. I do not see that happening this cycle.

Another significant factor for the Biden/Harris ticket is Mr. Biden's health. There is video of the final public statement following the three party summit at Camp David last week. Without bias, anyone can see that he is physically and mentally incapable of functioning as an independent adult.

Nearly every American voter has a relative or knows someone who has a relative that is also in the end stages of some form of age related cognitive decline. We all know what is happening to Mr. Biden. The process is sad, even heart wrenching to watch. It always is, whoever it is.

If Mr. Biden can be propped up long enough to be an active part of the post primary campaign in the summer of 2024, whoever the Republicans nominate will look like they are the only viable, functioning, reasonable person in the room. Same goes for VP Harris. The swing voters at either side of the center will vote Republican.

Whatever happens next though, Mr. Trump will have little impact on events by next February or perhaps sooner.

Lets move on from Mr.Trump. There is work to do.
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Old 08-20-2023, 11:58 AM   #25
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That ended my desire to see Trump in any public office ever again. By the afternoon of the 7th it was clear he did not regret what he had done and likely cheered as it went down. I can't defend all the legal napalm being hurled at him but karma works in ways that us mere mortals cannot control. What we can do is make better choices going forward. The future of Republican politics is not with DJT and will be much brighter when the battle against personal freedom from the right wing backs off and we begin to focus on issues for which government actually exists.

The Dems power structure has been looking for ways to get Biden out of the picture without losing their margin in the polls and risking Trump get back into Mar-A-Lago (he didn't really hang at the White House so same difference) so I continue to expect that move to happen at some point.

My eyes tell me that the lesson most of us took from Jan 6 is to dig in an get 'our side' to go vote to keep the other side from winning. I think until we start demanding better candidates and denouncing the misconduct within our own candidates so we can weed them out when needed
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Old 08-20-2023, 12:03 PM   #26
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
Folks: I have moved on.

President Trump either will not or won't be able to run again. The die-hard Trump supporters are not enough to elect him alone, and the other Republicans don't want him. The centrist-undecided or independent voters don't want him.

Mr. Trump will soon be a footnote to the 2024 election.

Pretty much the same applies to President Biden and VP Harris. The liberal progressive power brokers do not want either Mr. Biden, or Ms. Harris to be their chosen nominee. The only political factor that could again sweep them into office again would be a strong Trump campaign. I do not see that happening this cycle.

Another significant factor for the Biden/Harris ticket is Mr. Biden's health. There is video of the final public statement following the three party summit at Camp David last week. Without bias, anyone can see that he is physically and mentally incapable of functioning as an independent adult.

Nearly every American voter has a relative or knows someone who has a relative that is also in the end stages of some form of age related cognitive decline. We all know what is happening to Mr. Biden. The process is sad, even heart wrenching to watch. It always is, whoever it is.

If Mr. Biden can be propped up long enough to be an active part of the post primary campaign in the summer of 2024, whoever the Republicans nominate will look like they are the only viable, functioning, reasonable person in the room. Same goes for VP Harris. The swing voters at either side of the center will vote Republican.

Whatever happens next though, Mr. Trump will have little impact on events by next February or perhaps sooner.

Lets move on from Mr.Trump. There is work to do.

... Uh... Please explain WHAT this has to do with
the thread topic.

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Old 08-20-2023, 12:15 PM   #27
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D'Ninja and ICU, great posts. Good point about the progressive power brokers ICU. I imagine the last thing people like the Shaman want is for them to take control of the USA. But the Shaman and others who entered the Capitol on January 6 are part of the cast of characters, most prominently Donald Trump, that may lead to that.
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Old 10-02-2023, 04:15 AM   #28
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... He was "let loose" to the half-way house right after
the video aired... And may've been released already.

Prolly on the agreement that the fellow don't badmouth the
corrupt people who incarcerated him - and wouldn't allow
access to any videos for his defence.

... Though some new trial appeals are coming - due to
Tucker showing the videos.

... Tucker was just asking - WHY did the government
need to keep the videos hidden from barristers defending
the 6th Jan. people??

#### Salty
J6 was no doubt a false flag event. theres some more stuff from revolver about ray epps. apparently, he was in another part of the capitol where it was breached. they have him on video.

regarding the j6 video not being released to j6 defendants; the claim was parts of the capitol of the video was classified.
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Old 10-02-2023, 09:55 PM   #29
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... Yes, mate... And they're STILL making that claim.
Then don't release those parts. ... But the defence
barristers for some o' the protesters can show just
what people were actually doing at the Capitol.

Not sure how THAT should be "classified"...

Hmmmm... China can surely send a drone across America
without fault or sanction... But video of protesters showing
what they were or were not doing is somehow "classified"...

Is THIS really the manner of government control that you fancy, lads??

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Old 10-03-2023, 10:43 AM   #30
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Tuker a goof.
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