... HEE HEE! ...

... Crikey! What a GRAND thread!
... So the lot o' you lads are tryin' like Jack-the-Lad to
explain that your votes the last time were NOT "for Biden"
- but "against Trump"... And IF you even vote THIS time
- it will be for Joe Biden again?
Okay... Thanks fer surely clearing THAT up...
Because fer half-a-mo there it did seem that you fellows were
ditching Biden - as Democrat Party is about ready to do.
... Now I know that you lads DO find it embarrassin' that
some o' the CNN and MSNBC scribes are surely becoming fraught
with worry that Trump might Win... Perhaps THAT is the reason
for the lot of your mean-spirited comments. ...
But no worrys - you fellows won't need to support Joe
in 2024 - because the Democrat leaders will take him
out of the race before the end of the year.
They KNOW that Sleepy

Joe is no longer up to the task.
"Biden Corruption" aside.
And THAT is what's truly Embarrassing... And TRUE...
#### Salty