Originally Posted by Scoot642
Also guys don't post everything direct for 2 reasons . 1 is White Knights and the other is girls have access to private messages . So not having a provider text and blow up your phone after things like this . Just stay safe and don't get too attached and don't worry so much just hit it and quit it !
Well, again, that is all good, but you're claiming someone got robbed, in a public forum, and everyone knows who are claiming to have done this thing. You are saying I should accept your word for it, and there may actually be people who believe you, in spite of the fact that you have provided no evidence to support this claim.
Now, it might be true, but I have no clue of who you are, and anecdotal evidence suggest to me that is bullshit. So that is why I called you on it. I hope that you can understand that you have little influence on me, especially because you seem to have had a bias from jump, and you seemed to just made leaps in judgement.
I guess maybe your PMs must have told you about this 'robbery'. Or maybe she dissed you, and you are on some vendetta.
I don't know. I just know that from the nature and the attitude of the person I met last week, I doubt that anyone got robbed. Ghosted is a different thing entirely, but 'robbery' is quite a leap.
It's clear where you stand. I just made myself as clear as I can. But the bottom line is your whispers with your crew do little to help the majority here, so I am inclined to give them little value.