For what it’s worth…
In my limited experience:
Babydolls DAL: music sucks ass, but the layout doesn’t favor dancers actually dancing for dollars so thats a non issue. Aside from country I usually struggle to identify a song that was released within the last five years. BBD is popular for eyecandy. It’s definitely not the chill spot.
The Lodge: nice atmosphere with an up to date eclectic mix of music (sans country). It is a chill spot depending on your tastes. The lone up os usually pretty nice.USUALLY.
Bucks DAL: Mostly booming hip hop and pop and RnB.
Bucks Wild DAL: Same as above.
Spearmint Rhino: same as the Lodge. Nice club. Didn’t vibe for me though.
The Mens Club: Same as The Lodge. Nice club. A bit boring though.
Chicas Locas DAL: Spanish Hip Hop and spanish dance tunes
Chicas Locas ARL: same as above
BabyDolls FW: a better mix of music than BBD DAL.
Flashdancer FW: spanish and american rap/dance traditional spansh music.
Pandoras FW: Trap/rap some spanish tunes (weapons optional if not recommended. Just kidding… bur not really)
Bucks FW: Hip Hop, trap, dance, country (mostly bro country), rock, pop. Pretty good mix,
Bucks Wild FW: mostly hip hop, trap, pop, some RnB, and spanish tunes,
Roxys: mostly spanish tunes and hip hop
Rick’s FW: about as bland as BBD DAL.
Ricks DAL: similar to Bucks FW.
The type of clud the OP seeks is none of these. They exist just nowhere near here.