Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Yes they have been here a long time, they have been taking over the county and going after everyone who speaks against them. They are in our schools, all of our government agencies, all of our newspapers and our other sources of news. Even the news agencies for the smaller cities are fed which news to print by these monsters. The have become know as "the swamp people". Draining the swamp has become almost impossible. It seems like the only reliable news to read today is "The Epoc Times". They are a small newspaper that attempts to tell us about the swamp monsters that have crawled into our school and polututed the minds of our children. They are inhumanly cruel and wicked; yet some people still accept them as normal and continue to vote for them.
For that 1400 $ Stimulus.
My youngest was absorbing the BS until he began listening to Jie Rogen.
Thank GOD!!!
And I know my neighbors floating the good ole American flag in their yards are like minded.
Looking for one to put on my back deck.
Big Beautiful Red white & blue!!!
So, that being said.
I have a very heartfelt post coming ..
Grab your popcorn, cheerleading pom poms or darts, and catch you again later this evening.
Lots of OXOXXX
Savannah Moon