Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I said the same but in a much nicer way to you.
Do you have a job? Do you have healthcare? Have you filled out the form for your healthcare? There is a specific question you have to answer when doing so that asks about whether you use tobacco. If you answer "yes", your rates go up. Why do you think that is because according to your ridiculous logic, they should be charging smokers less? But what the fuck do I know because I am neither an actuary nor an oncologist.
Like I said before, you should definitely be a lobbyist for the tobacco industry.
Anyway, enough goofball back and forth time with you. 
Health insurance premiums are based upon proximate risks. Dying of cancer when one is old does not show up in health care premium risk(that risk is paid for by the federal government, and hence, society as a whole).
Smoking is a proximate risk, and are therefore included in private insurance premiums. Progressive tactics almost always try to say that costs taken up by society are free. They are not.
As a final note, your point that insurance premiums account for smoking shows the perversion of your position. According to you, the costs are already paid for. Why the excess sin tax on the weak?
Because progressives can.