Originally Posted by berryberry
dementia addled mental midget is in town to spew forth garbage about his infrastructure bill
Wow you got your nerve!
If Trump had come up with this infrastructure bill it would have all been sweetness and light!
Just what the country needs!
But that would require thinking outside of his own self interest.
You watch, if it comes down to it he will throw his kids including Ivanka under the bus to save himself!
Of course anytime anything happens the tucker carlson of the sandbox blames the dems weither deserved or not!
I have a question, when you had Cruze by the balls "as a proper right wing talk show host should be able to make US senators govel" this says a lot as to the state of the Republican party in recent years" but I digress.
When you were questioning him about his definition of terrorism and how it differs from yours.
And you convincing him that he cannot believe what he actually saw, is what he actually saw!
But when snowflake finally submitted, as a U.S. senator should submit to a talk show host who is firmly entrenched in right wing conspiracy theories and other such garbage!
And of course onr that has him by the balls, when cruze gave up and begged your forgiveness I guess when you really began to squeeze, just like when Trump insulted his wife.
I didn't mean to marry an ugly woman I'm sorry!
Too fucking rich!
So after crushing his balls did you give those obviously tiny little balls a massage so he wouldn't be so bowlegged walking out of there!
You can't completely break the man you might need him later!
And yes peduto sucked!
But there are more places than just Pittsburgh that money will go to.
And I cant see blaming the Dems that ran P-burgh for the condition of our bridges, the amount of bridges that this city has probably would require help from the feds to upkeep them properly.
It also amuses me that Bannana republicans that voted not in favor of this bill, are now lying, and telling thier constituents they were, and they did!
Go figure!
And you would have to be blind not to think that these bridges don't need repair, but of course when one collapses it has got to be a conspiracy because slow Joe is coming to the burgh!
Not everything is a black flag event!