Originally Posted by oeb11
Funny how 'liberals' - can never acknowledge nor take responsibility for their own actions/posts. The usual whine - Oh - "You don't like me" - rather than acknowledging one's own actions.
You know what little forum parrot, I graduated from the school of money talks and bullshit walks so instead of you talking, let's make a little bet but it does not include money.
I'll make a bet with you that specifically proves how much I don't give a shit about what people think of me on this board and that I never whine on this board. It's a simple bet. The people who whine hit the RTM button, those who don't, could not care less. You look at my start date on this board.
Now to this simple bet to prove my point, I have had people on this board threaten to kill me, out me (to anyone and everyone including law enforcement), kick my ass, insult me constantly, stalk me, and everything else you can possibly think of. To show how much I whine, here is the bet - you choose any moderator or any admin of your choice and PM them to see whether I have
EVER hit the RTM button on anyone because I was being a whining crybaby about anything. If you get a "yes" from the moderator or admin of your choice, I will disable my account. If you get a "no" from any moderator or admin of your choice you disable your account. I'm talking about
ONE fucking time in over 11 years.
Do you want to take that bet or do you just want to STFU and be smart for once?
And by the way, your constant silliness about trying to shame me for having my education and trying to make me feel guilty for being financially well off is exactly what a raging liberal would do - just FYI.