Originally Posted by ghost636
Wait it sounds like your dentist was hitting on you. So I have to ask, is there more to the story? If so I think black superman was looking for some ideas along those lines in another thread lol
When I lived in Austin, I made a new patient appt with an older dentist. After the cleaning, he was inspecting my teeth when he said "Oh my! I haven't seen this before!" Getting nervous that something was wrong I mumbled with his fingers in my mouth "Ith umpthing ong?" He ignored me and called over one of the techs. "Do you see the muscle development in her mouth? It's extremely advanced and well defined!" Turning back to me, he asked "Do u mind if I take some measurements and grab my camera?" I about died of embarrasment, but agreed (yes, I'm a provider that blushes!) The tech was right there with me, 10 shades of red! The dentist asked me some questions about if i chre a lot of gum or sunflower seeds. I don't do either lol. I don't think he had a clue that bbbj is my fav pastime, but I think the tech caught on pretty quickly.