Originally Posted by VitaMan
Go to North Korea if you don't like it here.
Stop trying to make the USA North Korea because you don't like it.
Originally Posted by 1blackman1
People get held in solitary confinement every day. When was that established as torture.
Maybe attacking the Capitol was a terrible idea. Trying to overthrow the duly elected government has consequences.
You need educating. First, people don't usually START in solitary confinement especially for 6 months. I haven't heard of any guard attacks.
Second, who's charged with sedition? Treason? Nobody that I've heard of.
We need to see the hearings every day. I'm surprised channels like CNN aren't demanding it. It would be a rating bonanza.
Originally Posted by royamcr
Patriots my ass, fucking treasonous terrorists trying to murder elected congress members and the VP.
At least 70% have been released (on bail) as they await hearings – compared with a typical rate of 25% of federal defendants.
All over lies about widespread fraud and fake stolen election.
Who's charged with attempted murder? Compared to the Portland BLM rioters who have almost all go free if even arrested.
They had a family from Alaska that the FBI broke down their front door, handcuffed and questioned them for four hours before they figured out they weren't rioters. He also had a Federal Agent who was arrested because he stood on the base of a sculpture briefly. He never enter the Rotunda or the capitol grounds even though an FBI informant encouraged him too.