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In the 1930s and again in 1974 the US conducted IQ tests of the general population and then publicized the results through “academic studies.” Both times listed Ohio in last place ranked by state. This name change is totally disgraceful but You just can’t fix stupid.
UH OH! Has the Cleveland Indians’ move to rename team the ‘Guardians’ already hit a snag?
Posted at 4:20 pm on July 26, 2021 by Doug P.
A few days ago the Cleveland Indians announced, in a video narrated by Tom Hanks, that the team’s name would be changed to the “Guardians.” But now there might be a bit of a speedbump on the road to the name change:
----------------- clevelanddotcom@clevelanddotco m
There's already a #Guardians team in town, a roller derby club, leading people to ask whether the #Indians have done their homework.
Did the Cleveland Guardians also forget to check Instagram? This roller derby league stands to make a lot of money if it plays this right.…
How much will the roller derby Cleveland Guardians demand that the baseball Cleveland Guardians pay for and all Guardians social media accounts?
— Dan Lust 🎙 (@SportsLawLust) July 26, 2021
LOL... not only are the Cleveland Indians a shitty baseball team, you can see why... the folks in teh back office are dumb asses. How in the hell do you select a new name and NOT check to see if it's in use? Jesus why not just call them the other Browns.
In the 1930s and again in 1974 the US conducted IQ tests of the general population and then publicized the results through “academic studies.” Both times listed Ohio in last place ranked by state. This name change is totally disgraceful but You just can’t fix stupid.