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Old 07-22-2021, 12:30 AM   #16
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Berry, to turn an accusation around and use it against the opposition in this case is not only lazy but its disingenuous. Just call them out for the lefties socialist and commies that Nancy and her gang really are!
They aren't fascists.
Trump is the fascist, Maga is his fascist organization! The proudboys and the oath keepers are his facist/stormtroopers/brownshirts, you know enforcers, some of them are being taught about enforcement now.
Federal law enforcement!
And apparently your his propaganda minister.
Wow just like Hitler!
And Hitler just like Trump was such a humanitarian!
But if you want to keep that post your gonna have to be more accurate in your labeling of the opposition.
Put the work in!
Good night gentlemen!

Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Fascists are going to fascist !!!

Pelosi is a ‘Radical Authoritarian Speaker’ After Her Refusal To Accept Two GOP Nominees For Jan. 6 Committee

”Nancy Pelosi is a radical authoritarian Speaker. The Pelosi partisan January 6 commission was never about investigating the facts, it was only ever about Pelosi’s radical politics and the Left’s endless obsession with crushing any discussion or debate,”

”What is Nancy Pelosi so afraid of? She is afraid of the American people finding out the truth that her failed leadership and the gross mismanagement of the U.S. Capitol led to the tragic events that day,” Stefanik continued

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Old 07-22-2021, 04:55 AM   #17
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And as far as I can tell until Trump came along nobody had anything bad to say about him! Of course until Trump came along nobody ever tried to steal an election on Milley watch either!
Trump didn’t make Miley go full retard with his ‘white rage’ and training soldiers to hate each other horseshit, which is what he’s getting criticism for. Yes, General, I’ve read Marx too, but not with the intent of implement his politics into the military as you’re apparently advocating with racial indoctrination.

Generals aren’t in charge of elections. What he should do is stfu about it and lead by example, like everyone in his charge is expected to do.
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Old 07-22-2021, 05:28 AM   #18
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Old 07-22-2021, 06:00 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Leading American soldiers sailors and airman, and yes....
Okay.... Awww do I have to?
Okay Okay.... the fucking Marines too....I guess!

That is not leading a parade of trannies or what the fuck ever your talking about!

But Wow Bam, that's was said just like a good little Trumper!
I have a question for you, have you ever served anything other than yourself!
Have you ever swore an oath to anything other than perhaps DJT?
Milley has served this country faithfully for forty years!
All of that Shiney shit you see on his chest, those aren't good conduct medals, he's been there and done that!
And as far as I can tell until Trump came along nobody had anything bad to say about him! Of course until Trump came along nobody ever tried to steal an election on Milley watch either!
But that is exactly how Trump would have handled it too Bam!
Disparage his betters!
This dog had more balls than Milley;

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Old 07-22-2021, 06:21 AM   #20
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I can’t accuse Miley of being ball-less, at least not his entire career. He has Ranger and SF tabs on that uniform, which means he passed both RIP and Q-course. That’s not easy, and you can’t just get pushed through because you’re not only judged by the instructors, but by your peers also. There is no doubt he was a BAMF at some point. The problem is, in today’s military, the higher up the officer ranks you go the more political you become, And you can’t get higher than where he’s at. For all intents and purposes he’s no longer a soldier but a politician.
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Old 07-22-2021, 07:37 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
I can’t accuse Miley of being ball-less, at least not his entire career. He has Ranger and SF tabs on that uniform, which means he passed both RIP and Q-course. That’s not easy, and you can’t just get pushed through because you’re not only judged by the instructors, but by your peers also. There is no doubt he was a BAMF at some point. The problem is, in today’s military, the higher up the officer ranks you go the more political you become, And you can’t get higher than where he’s at. For all intents and purposes he’s no longer a soldier but a politician.
He lost his balls somewhere along the line. He’s nothing more than a hack now. He’s taking his marching orders from the far left. Not good for the military.
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Old 07-22-2021, 08:03 AM   #22
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Well thank you Jacuzzme for that admission.
Milleys still a bad ass, he's just an old bad ass!
The private sector dosent realize the importance of or the significance of those awards.
For example the CIB I assume you know that the CIB " combat infantrymens badge" it sits atop of all of those other awards is considered to be the most important one by all soldiers!
For the uninitiated that is the rifle with the blue background and a wreath with the star, that signifies him himself, actually going into combat to meet the enemy twice!
That is signified by the star in the wreath!
It means he was on the ground, with weapon in hand!
You bleed for those things, it's not the private sector!

To say you know a Marine burgled your house because your dog is pregnant, that's funny!
Even to the Marines!

But to imply he gonna lead whatever the fuck you said, that's not funny.
And coming from someone that didn't serve, and probably never even considered it, well you really have no right!
I reasonably sure the Marines would agree too!

Alot of soldiers that are more modest that have won silver stars DSC's and yes MOH's, will often not wear them and sometimes depending on the circumstances have to be ordered to wear them by their superiors.

But not the CIB, they wear that every time!

To disparage his military accomplishment, well let's consider that to be so much childish bullshit!

Milley did not decide the outcome of that election, and the loser doesn't get to decide the outcome either by lying about it or starting an insurrection!

And I now stand corrected as to when Trump started lying about the outcome of the election, it was not August as I had previously mentioned but in fucking June! 5 months before the election!

And as far as what happened on 1/6 goes it is absolutely his job to stop the type of shit what happened on 1/6!
He should have shot the orange menace.

As far as I know he remained Apolitical until his presence at Lafayette Square!
That was Trump playing games with the military.
That Milley was wrong for being there and said so himself!

But as for going full retard, if it makes you uncomfortable to talk about the history of the United States, too bad its time. I saw Milleys response to Gatezs having the balls to go after him on this subject!
It was appropriate, I had no problem with it.
What I do have a problem with is reparations.
There are neither any slaves or slave holders left alive today!
The last surviving Civil War solider died in 1956!
I don't want to hear that noise and that is something else the lefties would like to see.
Now I realise that I was ripped off as far as history I was taught in school, or at least as much as I got up until 9th grade went. I knew about the wars, but not their causes.
And if that was taught at all it was always the bullet point approach! I have said this before, Lincolns let'em up easy policy, is the reason whe have what we have today! It was the be breeding ground for the Clan and other white supremacists groups! MAGA!
From Bobby Lee, on down depending on what they did further the rebellion there should have been hangings and firing squads!
Don't like that too bad, it was a rebellion, those men knew the possible outcome before the first shot was fired, as did the founding fathers of this country, if you recall they were also involved in a rebellion!
After his defeat, General Lee said make no monuments to the rebellion or word to that effect.
He was right, he should have been shot or hung to emphasis that point!
And believe me I don't hate Lee, he was a master on the battlefield, but he did what he did!

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
I can’t accuse Miley of being ball-less, at least not his entire career. He has Ranger and SF tabs on that uniform, which means he passed both RIP and Q-course. That’s not easy, and you can’t just get pushed through because you’re not only judged by the instructors, but by your peers also. There is no doubt he was a BAMF at some point. The problem is, in today’s military, the higher up the officer ranks you go the more political you become, And you can’t get higher than where he’s at. For all intents and purposes he’s no longer a soldier but a politician.
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Old 07-22-2021, 08:20 AM   #23
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I’d only agree that he ~was~ a badass. What he’s advocating now is antithetical to everything the military is supposed to instill, and horrendous to teach enlisted men in any capacity other than as something to avoid. He’s knows this, but has buckled under the pressure of politicians. He should’ve retired.
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Old 07-22-2021, 10:05 AM   #24
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I guess this is where we disagree on this subject. There is nothing wrong with history classes.
They give other classes that are not military related!
The black soldiers will not hate white soldiers because of the distant past, to be in our military you must be reasonably rational.
And as far as Milleys actions that you don't like well too bad!
If that is what he perceives to be something that will keep peace in his military then he can have at it!
I sat through more than a few classes that had nothing to do with either the military or my MOS.
He makes policy, hes the grad poo ba of the military its not unconstitutional for him to do it, the only people that seem to have a problem with it are Trumpublicans and the only people damaged by by it are white supremacist.
I have absolutely no problem with that!
And of course you would have a problem dealing with that, if thats your party line!
That is not him being political, Trump wanting him to order the troops to start shooting Americans, that would be political!
Him asking Trump how he would like his officers to deploy the troops to help the 1/6 traitors attacking the capitol, that would be political!
And had he done that you all would be lining up to kiss his ass!
He would have been ya'lls golden boy!

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
I’d only agree that he ~was~ a badass. What he’s advocating now is antithetical to everything the military is supposed to instill, and horrendous to teach enlisted men in any capacity other than as something to avoid. He’s knows this, but has buckled under the pressure of politicians. He should’ve retired.
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Old 07-22-2021, 11:07 AM   #25
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Except it’s not history, it’s hate. You want the guy next to you to have had the idea that you’re the one responsible for some disservice to him or his people pounded into his head, when you weren’t. I sure wouldn’t. The ones damaged by it is everybody the military is charged to protect, not some fairytale “white supremacists”. When our armed forces are less effective, which is what teaching racial hate garbage will cause, we’re all worse off.
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Old 07-22-2021, 05:17 PM   #26
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No it's history, the blacks already have a pretty good idea of what went on anyhow. If this pleases them fine, when I was in I lived through the racial shit that started in Vietnam and carried over into the early eighties my friend from Harrisburg was killed over that shit! Just because he happened to walk up the wrong flight of stairs. When hatred happens is when people perceive that the powers that be don't care about them or thier history, if giving those classes shows the black soldier that somebody gives a shit about them then I'm all for it.
So that's not an arguement to me, perception is important. Just look at the orange menace, he knows, he may be stupid but he understands perception that is why he lies with such wild abandon, he know if he pounds you with lies and enough people begin to repeat those lies then he can change your perception.
He just keeps forgetting that for that to happen we would have to be as stupid as he is because he would believe him!

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Except it’s not history, it’s hate. You want the guy next to you to have had the idea that you’re the one responsible for some disservice to him or his people pounded into his head, when you weren’t. I sure wouldn’t. The ones damaged by it is everybody the military is charged to protect, not some fairytale “white supremacists”. When our armed forces are less effective, which is what teaching racial hate garbage will cause, we’re all worse off.
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Old 07-22-2021, 06:04 PM   #27
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Back on the topic of this thread:

Pelosi's scam committee "investigating" January 6

Compared to the committee investigating the real riots of 2020 from Black Lives Matter and Antifa

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Old 07-22-2021, 07:46 PM   #28
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Stay on topic folks.
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Old 07-22-2021, 11:25 PM   #29
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As we have Pelosi's kangaroo court / sham of a committee ongoing, in the meantime the FBI won’t release the 14,000 hours of footage from between noon and 8pm on January 6th.

Ask yourself why? Then, ask yourself why you won’t demand answers?
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Old 07-23-2021, 06:11 AM   #30
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Perhaps because they don't have to release it, they consider it to be unwise to do so for the furtherance of their case. It is evidence, they and you wi find out what they have in the discovery phase just like the rest of the world dose when the FBI comes after them.
I'm sure that they are handling it within the law, something the GOP has a problem with when it's their ox being gored but when they are asked for transparency everybody can go fuck themselves, or they spout conspiracy theories, or just flat out lie!
The sham is the republican response to the committee, we have lawmakers that were there bacacading doors to keep the rioters out, now saying it was just a regular tour of the capitol, Trump talking about all of the love the hugging and kissing.
The capitol police giving access to the capitol building!

There really is something wrong with you all, you all have no honor none what so ever!
Either that or your living in an alternate universe, a different demention form the rest to the world where up is down and vice versa, the fucking lying just goes on and on and on!
So keep on barking!

Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
As we have Pelosi's kangaroo court / sham of a committee ongoing, in the meantime the FBI won’t release the 14,000 hours of footage from between noon and 8pm on January 6th.

Ask yourself why? Then, ask yourself why you won’t demand answers?
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