Originally Posted by berryberry
you and a few of your liberal brethren are too close minded .
don't care about either side, but aren't you the one parroting literally every WHO? off of social media? You cant even be bothered typing it out....lol...you just link to their 7 sentence quip
fucking unplug and present your OWN perspective rather than vomiting up everyone else's retarded tribal position for a change
motherfucker, you realize how banal and immature this perspective is? How about focus on how absolutely fucked this country is, to the point of zero hope of redemption, due to gutting of factors responsible towards sustaining a healthy GDP. Do you have ANY faith in the "democratic" process? the justice system? the education system? in health care? the forced Lincolnian Big Govt to honor state and municipal sovereignty? Just vote HARDER next time, citizen...I'm sure it will work out for you.
History has proven that a Republic simply doesn't work when its comprised of a plethora of widely diverse population. Just the same as a trial-by-jury-of-your-peers doesn't work if your "peers" are comprised of people that hate your fucking guts out of tribal allegiance.
But by all means, carry on your SUPER IMPORTANT "point and laugh", high-minded political discussion.