Originally Posted by Tiny
You may want to join,
.. "join" what? Apparently you like to be "joined"!
Just as an aside and FYI:
I "join" when mandatory for monetarily gainful purposes. Occasionally, I find it informative to "join" to have access to information that is appropriate and/or necessary for productive endeavors. Otherwise I don't feel the need for a "we' this or that.
Also, I've made it a habit not to follow unknown links without remuneration or gainful purpose.
Carry on.
BTW: I've now known personally three people who were confirmed to have been Covid19 infected and were treated: two are living with ACTIVE MEDICAL PERSONNEL and one visited his mother in a medical facility where she was being treated for Covid19.
It would probably be highly frightening to many people if there were accurately informed of the foreign invaders entering their bodies on an average mall excursion or even more so after an hour or so in one of their favorite spas.....not to mention a room at the "Hilton" for an outcall visit. Most people's IMMUNE system wards off any detrimental impact or need for medical treatment.
Most all of this current bullshit is to control the U.S. population. So please "join"!
In the meantime it is destroying our economy, facilitating social and economic controls, and expanding a dependence on government for every little fucking thing one might want.