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Old 05-13-2021, 06:41 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
sometime in the future ..

By the year 3172, political power in the galaxy is split between two factions: the older Earth-based Draco and the historically younger Pleiades Federation. Both have interests in the even newer Outer Colonies, where mines produce trace amounts of the prized power source Illyrion, the superheavy material essential to starship travel and terraforming planets.

Caught in a feud between aristocratic and economically powerful families, a scarred and obsessed captain from the Pleiades, Lorq Von Ray, recruits a disparate crew of misfits to aid him in the race with his arch-enemy, Prince Red from Draco's Red Shift Ltd., to gain economic leadership by securing a vastly greater amount of Illyrion directly from the heart of a stellar nova. In doing so, Von Ray will shift the balance of power of the existing galactic order, which will bring about the downfall of the Red family as well as end Earth's dominance over interstellar politics.

I like science fiction too! I prefer Heinlein, Asimov, Niven, and Herbert.

Does this have anything to do with politics?
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Old 05-13-2021, 06:49 PM   #17
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I’d love to know who wrote that threatening tweet about vaccines and masks. I think we could all agree he’s far to stupid/senile to use twatter, so who actually figured that was a good idea?
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Old 05-14-2021, 08:10 AM   #18
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Go space force 1 ,,,,,,
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Old 05-14-2021, 10:13 AM   #19
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of course. you did read the highlighted parts of the synopsis i presume?

political power in the galaxy is split between two factions: the older Earth-based Draco and the historically younger Pleiades Federation.

you should read Nova. the author, Sam Delany is a rather interesting dude. he was a bit of a wunderkind. he was the first black author to gain fame and many awards in science fiction in the late 60's and into the 70's. then pretty much just stopped writing. well sci-fi anyway.

spent the bulk of his life since teaching.

i'm big fan of Heinlein, Asimov, Niven, and Herbert. i've read their works extensively

to name just a few of each author ..

Heinlein - Starship Troopers and The Puppet Masters
Asimov - I, Robot and the Foundation series
Niven - Ringworld
Herbert - Dune series


Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post
I like science fiction too! I prefer Heinlein, Asimov, Niven, and Herbert.

Does this have anything to do with politics?
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Old 05-15-2021, 12:23 AM   #20
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
of course. you did read the highlighted parts of the synopsis i presume?

political power in the galaxy is split between two factions: the older Earth-based Draco and the historically younger Pleiades Federation.

you should read Nova. the author, Sam Delany is a rather interesting dude. he was a bit of a wunderkind. he was the first black author to gain fame and many awards in science fiction in the late 60's and into the 70's. then pretty much just stopped writing. well sci-fi anyway.

spent the bulk of his life since teaching.

i'm big fan of Heinlein, Asimov, Niven, and Herbert. i've read their works extensively

to name just a few of each author ..

Heinlein - Starship Troopers and The Puppet Masters
Asimov - I, Robot and the Foundation series
Niven - Ringworld
Herbert - Dune series


interesting guy....black and gay. he last sf novel was in 1993. he writes some shitty gay novels afterwords.
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Old 05-15-2021, 12:55 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
interesting guy....black and gay. he last sf novel was in 1993. he writes some shitty gay novels afterwords.

which should make him a woke icon today. of the far left gays that is. his later "gay" novels are (forbidden topic) porn. and to think that man wrote Nova. and Dhalgren and Triton.

The city of Bellona is severely damaged; radio, television, and telephones do not reach it. People enter and leave by crossing a bridge on foot.
Inexplicable events punctuate the novel: One night the perpetual cloud cover parts to reveal two moons in the sky. One day a red sun swollen to hundreds of times its normal size rises to terrify the populace, then retreats across the sky to set on the same horizon. Street signs and landmarks shift constantly, while time appears to contract and dilate. Buildings burn for days, but are never consumed, while others burn and later show no signs of damage. Gangs roam the nighttime streets, their members hidden within holographic projections of gigantic insects or mythological creatures. The few people left in Bellona struggle with survival, boredom, and each other.

The novel's protagonist is “the Kid” (sometimes "Kidd"), a drifter who suffers from partial amnesia: he can't remember either his own name or those of his parents, though he knows his mother was an American Indian. He wears only one sandal, shoe, or boot, as do characters in two other Delany novels and one short story: Mouse in Nova (1968), Hogg in Hogg (1995), and Roger in "We, in Some Strange Power's Employ Move on a Rigorous Line" (1967). Possibly he is intermittently schizophrenic: the novel’s narrative is intermittently incoherent (particularly at its end), the protagonist has memories of a stay in a mental hospital, and his perception of reality and the passages of time sometimes differ from those of other characters. Over the course of the story he also suffers from significant memory loss. In addition, he is dyslexic, confusing left and right and often taking wrong turns at street corners and getting lost in the city. It is therefore unclear to what extent the events in the story are the product of an unreliable narrator.

As the subtitle implies, the novel offers several conflicting perspectives on the concept of utopia. Utopia literally means "good place" or "no place". Delany takes the term heterotopia from the writings of philosopher Michel Foucault.[2] Literally, heterotopia means "other place" or "a place of differences". Foucault uses the term to designate spaces outside everyday fixed institutional and social spaces, for example trains, motels and cemeteries. In the novel's future solar system, Neptune's moon Triton supports one of several human societies independent from Earth, which has developed along radically libertarian lines in some ways: though a representative government exists, it has virtually no power to regulate private behavior, and citizens may choose to live in an area where no laws apply at all. Technology provides for a high degree of self-modification, so that one can change one's physical appearance, gender, sexual orientation, and even specific patterns of likes and dislikes.

now .. (forbidden topic) porn ..

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Old 05-15-2021, 07:31 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
the real clown running the circus

Obama/Biden cleaned up the mess that your other two heroes left behind when Wall street banks lost all of their money on credit default swap bets that went sideways.

Obama the law professor did the same GDP numbers as Trump. Trump promised 4,5 and even 6% GDP growth rates but did not even sniff 3%.

Biden/Harris are now cleaning up the mess that the Trumpster left behind. Millions are out of work, millions got infected and 1/2 million people died due to CV19. The best that Trump had was "it will just go away like magic".

That clown mask should go on your boy Trump the self proclaimed "unstable" genius.

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Old 05-15-2021, 08:19 AM   #23
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Disagree he's NOT smart enough ,,,,,
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Old 05-15-2021, 08:44 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Disagree he's NOT smart enough ,,,,,
The data is the data. Obama and Trump have the same GDP numbers basically. When Obama took office the banks were going broke. That was not the case when Trump took office. Read the link in post #22.
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Old 05-15-2021, 09:18 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post
I find it hilarious that, anyone on this board, thinks they know who secretly runs the world, and (even more ridiculous), how to change that.

We'd all be lucky to know the real intentions of the people we elected to congress.

We know exactly who doesn't. Here's a hint, it isn't Biden that's for sure, lol.
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Old 05-15-2021, 09:35 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
We know exactly who doesn't. Here's a hint, it isn't Biden that's for sure, lol.
The Biden problem will be fixed in the near future.
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Old 05-15-2021, 12:14 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
i find it hilarious.. and appalling .. that you don't realize that people with vast wealth don't exert that wealth to influence the direction of the world. if i had billions that's what id' do .. like

Jeff Beelzebub Bezos buying the WaPo and directing it to influence readers in the direction he wants ..

nothing sinister there, right?
Just like Rupert Murdoch and News Corp, nothing sinister there right?

Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian-born American media mogul. Through his company News Corp, he is the owner of hundreds of local, national, and international publishing outlets around the world, including in the UK (The Sun and The Times), in Australia (The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun and The Australian), in the US (The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post), book publisher HarperCollins, and the television broadcasting channels Sky News Australia and Fox News (through the Fox Corporation). He was also the owner of Sky (until 2018), 21st Century Fox (until 2019), and the now-defunct News of the World.

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Old 05-15-2021, 01:25 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Obama/Biden cleaned up the mess that your other two heroes left behind when Wall street banks lost all of their money on credit default swap bets that went sideways.

Obama the law professor did the same GDP numbers as Trump. Trump promised 4,5 and even 6% GDP growth rates but did not even sniff 3%.

Biden/Harris are now cleaning up the mess that the Trumpster left behind. Millions are out of work, millions got infected and 1/2 million people died due to CV19. The best that Trump had was "it will just go away like magic".

That clown mask should go on your boy Trump the self proclaimed "unstable" genius.


Bill Clinton is not my hero. speaking of credit default swap bets .. why did that even exist as a Wall Street hedge in the first place? because on YOUR hero Bill Clinton's watch HUD mandated more minority lending. thus was born the housing meltdown in 2008. Bill lit the fuse on that. i find it amusing you will not accept that fact. and it is a fact.

you do realize that the bail out was actually the Government bailing out the Government right? since it was Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac (who thinks up these stupid names??) that backed the mortgages and Wall Street knew these unqualified minority borrowers couldn't actually afford these houses of course they bet against it.

most of the big banks were fine. even BofA probably could have absorbed the Country Wide losses but it made more sense to simply acquire Country Wide. gave them more leeway to mitigate the losses.

JPMC was never in any danger at all. Jamie Dimon is on record stating he didn't want to take any TARP bailout money to acquire Bear Sterns and WaMu but the Government insisted and Dimon took the money to get the assets. about 25 billion and JPMC easily repaid it in one year.

The company’s investment banking division was called “king of the downturn” for the success it had in 2009. [40] JP Morgan paid back the $25 billion it received in TARP funds in June, 2009. In his 2009 annual letter to shareholders, CEO Jamie Dimon wrote that the firm did not need these funds, but did so because

“we believed we were doing the right thing to help the country and the economy.”

Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
Just like Rupert Murdoch and News Corp, nothing sinister there right?

Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian-born American media mogul. Through his company News Corp, he is the owner of hundreds of local, national, and international publishing outlets around the world, including in the UK (The Sun and The Times), in Australia (The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun and The Australian), in the US (The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post), book publisher HarperCollins, and the television broadcasting channels Sky News Australia and Fox News (through the Fox Corporation). He was also the owner of Sky (until 2018), 21st Century Fox (until 2019), and the now-defunct News of the World.


well! you're learning! people with big bucks do influence things via their money.

just depends on what side you back. you'd call Rupert and FOX sinister i'd call Bezos and the Washington Post sinister.
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Old 05-15-2021, 02:18 PM   #29
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I bet it's some dumb ass white bitch with blue hair with a PhD in social sciences LOL.
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Old 05-16-2021, 08:31 AM   #30
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Hyena Harris is the first ever border czar TO NEVER VISIT THE FRIGGIN BORDER!!!
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