Originally Posted by ketro
Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
This is true. But signing up the day before someone starts a shitstorm of posts about a single topic without a clear record of knowing what they're talking about means their exceptional claims require exceptional proof. There are bullshitters here with tens of thousands of posts and everybody knows they're bullshitters. If someone signed up after lunch and comes rolling in strong, they better be ready to back it up, and these bozos are not.
Link me a news story or police report about the bust.
Link me a news story or police report about the bust.
Not suspicious at all. There are lots of reasons they could have to leave their location. Maybe the neighbors complained and they were evicted for having too many people staying there not authorized on the lease. The dates you cite would have been recently after the shootings at a massage parlor in Atlanta. Everybody was on edge then.
If you lose your location, why should you answer the phone? You can't take any appointments. What is more likely? DPD raided the place, made no arrests, let everybody go with a warning, and nothing leaked to Fox 4? Or they went dark for any other reason, reemerging when the coast was clear.
Maybe you're right and AS got busted. If you are, good proof of what happened should be available and confirmable. It won't matter at all how long someone has been a valued poster.
Signing up a day before to make a post doesn't change the validity of the post. The reality is, people were voicing concern about AS long before the users posted. If you haven't read them yet, I suggest you look through OH2 and here. They're in the studio sections. Also, in the instance of proof, you do know that Welcome2House did actually get hit before, too, right? That's why they went dark for a period of time before eventually coming back months after.
I just told you Welcome2House didn't show up on reports. And you're asking for a report anyway? W2H did get hit. That's why they changed their name, their website, their booker number and basically reassessed their entire list before coming back as AS. About the only thing they didn't change was their OH2 handle.
AS got hit in the morning. That's why they stopped responding to everyone right after that day. Tell me, why do you think they would suddenly go radio-silent without so much as letting people know? Again, if this was them going on a break, fine. But we know that bookers respect clients enough to let them know which girls are or aren't working at any given time.
The neighbors complaining about it doesn't result in the owner having to completely abandon an otherwise workable studio. (and right after shutting down their phone lines) The apartment was a corner first floor unit, so noisiness really is not the issue you want to downplay it as. If you've been there, you would know that, too. Also, the shootings happened over two weeks prior to this bust. By then, most of America had moved on from it, except the politicians who want to racialize every incident.
You should answer your phone because you still have other girls working in other apartments. AS has more than one apartment. You know that, I know that. And one of them got hit. That's why they went completely dark and that's why they abandoned an apartment where the incall unit was actually a good location because it was right by the entrance of the building and nobody would have noticed anyone roaming around the halls.
DPD doesn't arrest the hobbyists. Or the girls. Or even the mamasan. When a spa in Oklahoma got hit a few months back, there were no arrests made to any of the girls and even the mamasan got away scott-free. When Juju Bee got raided a few months ago, did anyone get arrested? nope. Why? Because the city already seized everything inside (the money).
So you're assuming everything is going to happen after a raid the way you think is going to happen.
Just because a place gets hit, doesn't mean the incident is going to get put on the news.
Just because a place gets hit, doesn't mean there are going to be arrests. It could very well be possible that the place got hit and everyone on the scene (girls, hobbyist) just got a warning. (for all we know, the hobbyist could have been issued a misdemeanor) But that doesn't change the original position that a place got busted and a warning was issued. The consequence of the bust isn't what I'm talking about. I'm saying the place got hit. You're trying to imagine scenarios in which a place got hit and you're thinking it's going to go this way or that way. Sorry to say, but that was never the point.
You tell me. Why did they go dark then? For weeks? Without even letting anyone know? Do you realize how incredibly unprofessional that is from a business standpoint? It isn't like AS was successful. Why would they suddenly just completely ignore people for a period of time with no notice?
An apartment getting hit is different from a spa getting hit, so it won't warrant headlines in the same way. If that's what you're expecting, you're not going to get anything. In California, places are always getting nailed. But a week later, something else opens up to take its place. But they do get hit. And that is the point