Originally Posted by bambino
I don’t put a lot of faith in Snopes. But I do trust my own eyes. It was a photo op pure and simple. I saw them unload the bike. I saw Buttplug wait until the camera people were ready to film him before he pushed off. Why didn’t Booty have them film him leaving his house? Snopes goes on to say it takes 40 minutes to go 6miles on a bike. Really? I’m 63 and can easily do 10miles in 40 minutes. I call Snopes analysis FALSE. Now on to Trump.
Obviously, you lose your athletic prowess with age. Happens to everyone including elite athletes. The fact that MLB teams were scouting Trump in HS tells you he was better than most of his peers at his age. As far as golf goes. It’s one of the hardest sports to be really good at. You have to have athletic abilities to swing a golf club properly. Eye/Hand coordination, balance, power and speed. Go watch a PGA tournament in person and you’ll get the picture. That’s why baseball and Hockey players are generally good golfers. Most golfers never shot a round in the 70’s in their lives. And a holy grail is to be able to shoot in the 70’s while you’re in your 70s. Trump can still do that. He doesn’t embarrass himself when he plays with Tiger or Jack Nicklaus. Or any other tour player. Just give Trump some credit.
Trump was 60 when he did this. Better form than Obama.
It is guaranteed that Trump can't shoot in the 70's without cheating.
From GNN:
With his handicap index, Trump can be expected, on a good day, to hang around the mid-70s. On his best day, he can probably shoot right around 70 on the right golf course in the right conditions. However, Trump, as you might imagine, does not have a lot of recent scores. Instead, the reach of his handicap scores goes from September 2009 to June 2016, spanning a long time to identify his best round (70 in an August 2013 tournament round) and his worst in that range (86 in an October 2014) round.
Trump has played much more than the number of rounds he has entered, including during the campaign (despite what his campaign management has said), so we don’t have a complete picture of his play. Trump has not entered a single score from the times he’s played golf as president, and it’s likely his skills have diminished some while President. Were he to enter even his best rounds, his handicap index would likely go up substantially, closer to a 7 handicap.
Taking that all into account, we would classify Trump as what’s known as a reverse sandbagger — someone who isn’t actually as good as their handicap says and is costing themselves shots on the course for the sake of keeping a vanity handicap.
Trump, 72, has said he can still drive the ball some 285 yards off the tee. That’s likely exaggeration, though, with modern equipment, he can probably still pop the ball a good 240-250 yards.
The President has also said he has won a number of club championships at the many facilities (17) his Trump Organization golf off-shoot owns or operates. Then again, a number of his playing partners have accused him of both cheating and exaggerating his on-course performance. Several high-profile professional golfers and celebrity golf partners have said Trump is dishonest when he plays golf, to the point that it’s comical.
No matter how good of a golfer Trump is these days, he has showed the ability to play golf better than most past presidents and a majority of American hackers.