Originally Posted by farmstud60
I see you are pretty clueless again. Cruz and Grahm follow policy, which for the most part Trump does the right policy.
The issue wasn't the amount of money in stimulus checks it was the amount of pork to foreign countries that the bipartisan bill had it which was more than sending everyone $2000.
You are very, very misinformed. There were two bills, a $900 billion Covid relief bill, and a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending bill. The "pork to foreign countries" was in the omnibus spending bill.
So why didn't Trump veto the omnibus spending bill and sign the Covid bill? Who the hell knows. Apparently he's such a strong believer in redistributive socialism that he initially was compelled to veto both bills if he didn't get $400 billion more in handouts for every man, women and child with less than $75,000 income, regardless of need.
And how about the pork to foreign countries? What's the biggest component of the foreign pork in the omnibus spending bill? It's $3.3 billion to Israel and $1.3 billion to Egypt. We've been paying the Israelis and the Egyptians off for 40 years now, since Jimmy Carter, so they won't kill each other.
You think Trump's going to end that? Hell no. He's a great friend to Israel. So is his son in law, Jared Kushner. In fact, Jared's in Israel right now, trying to bring peace to the Middle East. That's probably why the Donald went bat shit crazy last week, Jared wasn't around to calm him down. Anyway ending aid to Israel and Egypt would be like pulling the rug out from under Jared. And Trump loves Jared more than his own children. That's why he pardoned his father last week.
But yeah, I say cut out all the pork. Lets start with Trump's hallowed farm subsidies. I calculated how much more I was going to have to pay in taxes to pay for this $2000 per person stimulus, and it's more than I spend in a year on food, travel, women, booze, and all other personal expenses. You may think you're somehow protected, like Trump and many other Americans, from having to pay income taxes. And that may be true for the time being. But someday we're going to be broke and when the USA has to go to the International Monetary Fund hat in hand to beg for money, they're going to make everybody pay their fair share.
Finally, after countless hours of negotiation by Secretary Mnuchin, why did these bills arrive on Trump's desk with the pork and with the "measly" $600 stimulus payment? Maybe because Trump spends six hours every weekday sitting on his ass watching Newsmax and every weekend on one of his golf courses, at taxpayer expense. He should have been involved in the process earlier instead of coming up with objections at the last minute.