Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Is Shasha there or not?
ShaSha is there.
She is the owner or partner of Luxury. She hires little bitch(es) to promote Luxury. She give promoter(s) multiple tablet and phones with new handles.
Jenny who used to owned motel and Blue was partner of Luxury. Things went sour at Luxury and Jenny went her own way to open Angels with help of some guys. I am sure Jenny is trying to sell her biz after the legal run from Blue and her status. Problem is that No one can really get in to Jenny’s connections of special unique Korean girls. No other Dallas spa can get these girls that Jenny can get. As far as I know they are all legal (except for herself).
Almost all Dallas legends were partner of Luxury one time. I don’t know how Sha Sha became a partner because when I met her she wanted to try indy. Now Shasha is an owner.
Really don’t know how OP got session with Shasha since she doesn’t fuck clients anymore. I do miss her skill.