Originally Posted by winn dixie
dims get major donations from the health insurance and pharma co's. Lets get that straight first!
Second why did we ever start relying on our employers to provide us health coverage! That needs to stop!
I'll start by saying I know nothing about the health care industry. Having said that, I agree with you that we START with the idea that employers are not responsible for your health care and build from that simple premise. How we do that I am not sure but as I understand it, employers or lets just say "groups" get discounts. Instead of employers or union's getting these "discounts, let's just say every American citizen is now in a union or group or any word you want to choose. We all get the same break. I'm talking about working people making a living.
We will always need some kind of safety net for those that just can't cut it in life for one reason or another.
Another thing must be made abundantly clear. If you are not an American citizen in this country legally, you will not get free anything. If you have to go to a hospital, sure, we'll fix you up and then put you on a plane back to your home country, period.
If you are a citizen and have to go to the emergency room because you do not have insurance even though you can probably afford a basic plan and you refuse to pay your hospital bill which will absolutely have to be fixed at rates substantially lower than they are now, someone from the government will "access" whether you can pay anything towards your bill. No more freeloading off the tax-payers.
I'll have to leave these basic ideas to those a lot smarter than me but basically.
Everybody pays for their own insurance unless you can't and you damn well better be able to prove you can't and why.
Nobody gets a better deal than any other American, period.
If you are in this country illegally and you need to go to a hospital, we'll be generous and take care of you and then you will be deported.
We should have a flexible, workable guest worker program in this country and these guest workers wages and working conditions will have to meet the same standards given to American workers.
Now some of you smart fuckers figure out how to make all that work.