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The 3rd quarter gdp is set to come out 4 days before the election. The projection is for growth to be a hair below 35%, which is the most rapid expansion since the founding of the country. Even with the covid horseshit, Gallup poll of ‘better off - worse off’ comes in at 56% ‘better’, Reagan won 49 states when that number was 44%.
This will be an electoral landslide. After which democrats will riot, sue, and refuse to accept the outcome, the same as they did in ‘16 but more aggressively.
Biden is lying about his health and has been for some time.
He is lying about his motives.
He doesn't care about Covid (when Trump was mobilizing a federal response, Biden was saying that Trump hysterical, racist, and xenophobic).
Harris...well, she's a piece of work and she will be the president in name if, a big IF, Biden should win. However, she will be beholden to the people who selected her and that wasn't Biden.
As for Flip Flops;
What is Biden's current position on Fracking, Supreme Court packing, Impeachment, China, Russia, and now the 25th amendment?
Can you prove any of this, JDrunk? Or are you already deep in the sauce?
Thanks for reminding us how solid your thought process is.
The 3rd quarter gdp is set to come out 4 days before the election. The projection is for growth to be a hair below 35%, which is the most rapid expansion since the founding of the country. Even with the covid horseshit, Gallup poll of ‘better off - worse off’ comes in at 56% ‘better’, Reagan won 49 states when that number was 44%.
This will be an electoral landslide. After which democrats will riot, sue, and refuse to accept the outcome, the same as they did in ‘16 but more aggressively.
And what is YOUR plan when it isn’t the electoral (LOL) landslide you predict?
The 3rd quarter gdp is set to come out 4 days before the election. The projection is for growth to be a hair below 35%, which is the most rapid expansion since the founding of the country. Even with the covid horseshit, Gallup poll of ‘better off - worse off’ comes in at 56% ‘better’, Reagan won 49 states when that number was 44%.
This will be an electoral landslide. After which democrats will riot, sue, and refuse to accept the outcome, the same as they did in ‘16 but more aggressively.
J - I believe you are correct - if Trump wins 2020 - there will be a serious AntiFa. OBLM and DPST rejection and violence spasms.
It won't happen much in Republican controlled cities - whee police are supported and respect for rule of law reigns.
It will be in DPST West coast and East coast shit hole cities - so let the DPST's burn themselves out - and refuse the stupid bastards any Federal tax money for reconstruction of their fomented and enabled riots and damage.
let the fruckers live in their own Ashes - and let AntiFa and OBLM terrorists go cry to their mommies for money to build new basements.
The 3rd quarter gdp is set to come out 4 days before the election. The projection is for growth to be a hair below 35%, which is the most rapid expansion since the founding of the country. Even with the covid horseshit, Gallup poll of ‘better off - worse off’ comes in at 56% ‘better’, Reagan won 49 states when that number was 44%.
This will be an electoral landslide. After which democrats will riot, sue, and refuse to accept the outcome, the same as they did in ‘16 but more aggressively.
The consensus quarter-on-quarter is for 29.3% GDP growth for the 3rd quarter. People don't look at that though. The year-on-year consensus estimate, which they do look at, is -3.6%. This is much better than I would have expected. If we'd done that in the 2nd quarter, we would have been world beaters, except for a few of the Asian countries like China, Taiwan and South Korea. And looking at consensus estimates for other large countries, the 3Q estimate for the USA is better than theirs, except, again, for China, Taiwan and South Korea.
I don't think this will save Trump though. We're getting pretty close to the end of the 3rd quarter. People know now how they're faring economically, they don't need a statistic to tell them. If the economy were going to bale Trump out, you'd think it would be reflected in the polls and the prediction markets by now, and it's not.
If you are not hiring your reporters from Phoenix, you are doing it wrong
I do not know what it is about that dry heat out in Phoenix, AZ, but apparently it turns even the local cub reporters into the most inspiring and ground breaking, Pulitzer prize winners, with keen insights and Sherlock Holmes level deductive research skills to unearth hidden things that even Indiana Jones couldn't unearth. Check out the clip below to see what actual and insightful reporting looks like. They have discovered something you never, ever, see at a Trump rally.
<2 min
A complete and total lack of people, audience, crowd and interest.
Front row parking? No problem-o.
Front row seats? All you want
Long wait in line? Nope
Expensive tickets? Free to any home, good or not
Heavy traffic to or from the event? Heck-fire no
The second link is to, a U.S. bookie that hasn't been outlawed because they cap the amount of the bets at a low level and say their site is for research purposes, I think:
The second link is to, a U.S. bookie that hasn't been outlawed because they cap the amount of the bets at a low level and say their site is for research purposes, I think:
What do the jews have to do with this?
Nothing, so STFU.
trump has done nothing except given the douche-bags a reason for living.
Remember no matter what the scum-bags say. You are by far the minority. The only reason the election might be close is because of your lies and actions that will see trump in jail after he loses.
There will be payback.
All of you bitches have forgotten trump shafts contractors all the time. None of you will get a penny of the money he has promised you. That's one kind of stupid you have. He's not going to let you fuck ivanka either.
Originally Posted by DTickler
Did Trump get that Typhoid in Rose Garden where Covid was born?
No, and the Jews didn't cause the Holocaust either.
Thank God Trump was President when China freed the Covid or we would have witnessed the worst flu in history.
And what is YOUR plan when it isn’t the electoral (LOL) landslide you predict?
My business goes all cash, and a meeting with my financial guy about how to protect my investment accounts. With health insurance for all, including illegals, (along with all the other proposed gibs) they’re gonna need a massive cash infusion. IRAs and 401Ks are where that money lives, fuck if they’re getting mine.
Other than that, nothing. You see, some people are normal, respect the laws and traditions of their country, and have no interest in democratic street terrorism.
The consensus quarter-on-quarter is for 29.3% GDP growth for the 3rd quarter. People don't look at that though. The year-on-year consensus estimate, which they do look at, is -3.6%.
Normally I’d agree with this, but the number will be blown across tv, radio, and social media like crazy. You couldn’t avoid seeing it unless you’re in a coffin, and a 30% growth rate, regardless of how/when/where it’s measured is gonna look pretty outstanding to John Q Public.