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Mike Flynn - an example of what the leftists do to those they designate as a threat to their narrative.
Sullivan is holding up the dismissal of charges as a ;prosecutor' to delay the case until afte rthe election - so a new Ag under senile Biden can re-institute the prosecution and persecution.
It is not about corruption - the accusation and prosecution is a tool for the left to destroy their 'opponents. "
I was over a system that literally sent out hundreds of millions of dollars in checks and EFTs. True, accountants approved the payments. My system signed the checks both physically and via EFT. The president had no clue on the vast majority of checks. Some of the accountants fudged the system and set themselves as vendors to be paid. We had auditors on the take. We had higher ups giving payments to Chinese as bribes even though they weren't viewed at the time as bribes.
There's an arms length deniability to most of these payments. OJ didn't do the drug deals, he had Kato do it for him. Same in business.
okay my presumption was you meant internal stuff like payroll and paying vendors. obviously not the usual stuff for the kind of fraud you meant. not that someone hasn't skimmed payroll too ...
It is not about corruption - the accusation and prosecution is a tool for the left to destroy their 'opponents. "
all that's missing is the committee of public safety and its law of 22 prairial, year II , which suspended a suspect’s right to public trial and to legal assistance and left the jury a choice only of acquittal or death.
That will come - if biden is elected count on 'prosecutions' - of Trump - theentire Republican cabinet, and packing teh SC with far-leftists who will do the radicals bidding.
Nov 3 is a date to decide whether the Constitution and representative democracy survive, or the DPST radicals pitch us into an amerika of Orwell's 1984.
I'll admit that I don't like or trust Trump, but neither am I a far leftist either, mainly a GDI (old facts will know that term) that votes for lesser of two evils. I say that cause I don't welcome attack by haters of either side. I have pretty good income from wages and salary and very few "deductions", especially with recent tax structure and pay 80 to 100k fed personal income tax yearly. Not complaining, in fact feel obligated to pay my share (some may say more than my fair share, but ok by me) to support this great country. It would really piss me off to find that the president (regardless of political affiliation) was making way more than me and paying way less in personal income tax. I have no proof at all, but my gut tells me that his returns aren't being published because they will look bad and that could be the reason. The same opinion applies to past presidents from either party if true of any of them. I'd be doubly pissed if returns show he's drawing social security (again, not sure at all that he's eligible) and paying little to no personal income tax.
okay my presumption was you meant internal stuff like payroll and paying vendors. obviously not the usual stuff for the kind of fraud you meant. not that someone hasn't skimmed payroll too ...
The system I supported pretty much paid everything and was multinational but accountants eventually have to approve the transactions because they have to fund the accounts.