When using the word "gaffe" in talking about Biden and Trump, the word has two distinctly different meanings. I heard Chris Wallace say that the latest gaffe from Trump was that Biden didn't believe in God.
That kind of "gaffe" is saying something that may not be true, is offensive, politically incorrect and may hurt one, politically speaking.
But a Biden gaffe can be all those things and saying un-intelligible things too. When you can't complete your thought, as when Biden tried to explain part of the Declaration of Independence.
Former Vice President Joe Biden on Monday botched a quote from the Declaration of Independence during a speech in Texas. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created by, go, you know, you know the thing,” he said, struggling to remember the words of the famous clause from the Declaration of Independence.
Now if that was a one off, it could be dismissed but Biden literally can not give an entire speech without multiply examples of "word salad". He forgets where he is, he forgets and mixes up people referring to Angela Merkel as Margaret Thatcher for example.
Joe Biden's gaffe's indicate a decline in mental acuity. Trump's gaffe's merely advances the notion in many people's minds that he can not tell the truth which is a problem for many in and of itself but it does not indicate a decline in mental acuity.
You'll have to decide which is worse.
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