Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So Philando Castillo, Tamir Rice, and countless other unarmed and complying non resisting citizens are dead for what? Go take that false mess and peddle it to some uninformed and uneducated Trump supporter. I'm not the one for it.
They always look to treat white armed and violent perps with dignity and respect irregardless of how many people they slaughter
Originally Posted by kaoticlife
The problem you have and the fatal flaw in your reasoning is 5 fold.
1.) I'm not here to condone wrong doing no matter who it's coming from. So fail attempt on your part to justify Trump's violent rhetoric
2.) You cite a lone single example from Maxine Waters when I presented to you at least a dozen separate instances from Trump
3.) Maxine waters lone bad example notwithstanding is a senator whereas Trump is the President with at least 12 examples of encouraging violence...and demonizing people of other Faith's and ethnic backgrounds.
4.) Trump refusing to address white supremacy and white domestic terrorism but instead encouraging it and remaining complicit in it.
5.) The guy left a manifesto that he says was inspired by Trump. What more proof do you need. Trump is breeding terrorists. He has blood on his hands