Originally Posted by bb1961
Everyone of your points refuted( multiple sources) ...thank you valued poster!!
I have to give it to you...A HUGE Gumment overreach perpetrated on the American people...ANOTHER GUMMENT FAILURE!!
With the individual mandate removed I hope that the rest of this unconstitutional disastrous legislation dies an ignominious death!!
1. This is in your third link (from 2012) you posted from bullet one.
The November elections are the last hope — we must elect a Congress and a president committed to repealing Obamacare. They, and all of us, will need to be armed with the facts to explain to the American people exactly what is in this monstrous law.
Obama beat Romney by FIVE Million votes.
2. They need to change the formula for both the medicare tax and the social security tax. The baby boomers are retiring. They are still using the original formulas.
3. It's true if you have a car accident you will be put on assigned risk and you will have to pay a higher premium. However, with Auto insurance each auto insurance company that sells auto insurance in a state must accept or take their fare share of assigned risk drivers. The auto insurance company can't discriminate against high risk drivers, and refuse to sell them a policy (the pool of high risk or bad drivers is shared among the auto insurance companies selling auto insurance in that state.
With medical insurance you don't have that. The health insurance companies do not have sell health insurance at HealthCare.gov. They can avoid high risk policy holders in the individual market.
You really have an apples to oranges comparison when you try to compare auto insurance to medical insurance.
With the ACA being passed over 90% of the total USA population has some type of health insurance from one of the following.
Group health insurance from the employer
Obamacare / ACA
1. Private health insurance plan
2. Expanded Medicaid in the 34 states that have it
Original Medicaid (signed into law by LBJ in 1965 and only covers really poor people Family of 4 that makes less than $16,000). You are covered regardless of pre-existing conditions.
Now that over 90% of the citizens have some type of coverage, what the government needs to do is come up with a solution to get the cost of insurance policies to come down in the individual market.
Last thing, health insurance should be a right. So, the answer to your question is YES.