I have tougher skin than that. Don’t worry I am not very politically correct myself. You are correct I should have expected some flack for my post. Just wasn’t expecting to be slammed. Also I did not put picky in my original post. That is what was construed from it.
And with all of that being said. I had some wonderful ladies give offers and suggestions. One I got here message to late and was not able to connect with her. I will definitely be getting back with her because I have been wanting to see her for awhile now.
To end this for me. People can say what they want. I don’t really give a crap. As I said. I don’t have thin skin. I think that it is funny. All of you gave me crap for putting this on here and started drama as usual. But in the end I got the result I was looking for.
QUOTE=malwoody;1061311367]With respect, you admitted to being "picky" and "cheap" which I found amusing and I don't think Kati's remark was rude IMO. No offense but when you put a request like that on a SHMB instead of taking the research route, what did you expect?? Hopefully I'm not being too mean here...LOL but I'm hoping there is at least one place on the net where we can be candid without worrying about all of the touchy feely politically correct bs..!!