Originally Posted by PrettyBoyG
I agree. If I'm not allowed MSOG, there will never be a second session.
Same here, MSOG is a must. I'm always too excited meeting a new woman to last long at all at the first round. I've tried all the natural tricks to be found on the web to last longer.
It doesn't really work, and it makes sex too much work not cumming to actually be enjoyable. It is far more enjoyable to let nature take it's course, then take our time and enjoy round 2.
30 minute MSOG visits I'm sure will greatly depend on the guy. Some will be able to do it, some won't. And that's a window that even the same guy may not be able to hit with consistency.
Every provider is different, as every session is different as well. I greatly prefer the attitude of MSOG being allowed, and letting things happen organically.