Originally Posted by themystic
Yeah Rex it is ok. If you cant do the time dont do the crime.
Your son in law had to pay an extra $ 54.16 per month because he didn't have health insurance? Hum so if he has a health emergency and has to be hospitalized my taxes will have to cover him just like the illegal immigrants. Whats the difference? Why doesn't he go get insurance with the new Trump care?
wait for the taxes to pay for Medicare for All!
Paying for it will not happen - what will happen is the downgrading of American medicine - with long waits, poor quality care, lack of innovationn in medical care, scarce medications and equipment, etc.
Take a look at the VA system - it is coming - Except for the Congressional Nomenklatura - who have their own system and will not give up their special privileges.
Who will get blamed for the lack of medical resources - the Physicians.