Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If it isn't race, why was the Brazilian troll's edited of context film snippet so over-exploited by the lib-retards in the Hollywood and in the lame-stream media?
One of the fucking anti-Semite Congresswomen blatantly lied about who it was hurling invectives in Saturday's incident. She claimed the students were hurling racial epithets at the Black Hebrew Israelites when anyone with two ears and two brain cells can hear that it was exactly vice versa. The fucking anti-Semite Congresswomen retracted her statement when threatened with a libel suit by the student's lawyer.
The only thing today's dim-retards know is identity politics which makes them the party of racists.
there are so many motivations that drive humans
greed, power (lust for), lust, envy, hate, hunger, love, fear and more
despite WTF's surface thoughts, ideology is not the base driver of humans
the other things drive humans and thus create ideologies or band together people
greed, power, hate, envy and love are potential political motivations. love is the least represented.
that's why political systems of man cant be trusted
socialism and communism doesn't work because of man's imperfection
The old soviet union promoted the soviet man, a new man, The New Soviet Man, it was an abject failure
its why under socialism and communism, the rulers become more equal than the other equals
while under capitalism, you have to have helped society, advanced us, given us something we need or want, to become wealthy
the genius of the founders of America is that they knew man wasn't to be trusted, unlike communism
they developed the separation of powers, the senate, the protection of the minority, the worth of individual states, the protection from the tyranny of direct democracy
and a constitution that when followed, protects us all, and gave us the pathway to the elimination of slavery and unequal treatment before the law
but even now the dimocrats want to tear those things down and why? for greed power envy and hatred
greed, power, envy and hate continue to rear their heads, seemingly now more than ever, and uses race for its own purposes