Originally Posted by xxpokeracexx
I am a smart but "stupid" person.
I have terminal cancer and I was supposed to be dead by now. Thankfully I am still here and have few more months left.
Met a stripper six months ago and been seeing her a few times a week since then. She is gorgeous and been nice to me most of the times.
We hang out inside and outside the club. I spend about 3k a month on her not including dinners and shopping sprees.
I can get about anything but penetration sex from her but only came once in six months.
She is not really into guys and has told me she would never have sex with me.
When we had a break a while ago I made sure I spent thousands in front of her at the club on her friends and coworkers and basically fucked anyone there till she got wasted drunk and came crawling back crying which got us back together again.
Last night I got tired of the BS and was upset that she had r told me that I was not allowed to touch or kiss her in front of my friends but still had to pay her for my time with her.
It got to a point that she basically wanted to sit and talk to me and have me pay $300-$500 for hanging out.
I finally cut it off tonight and still feel that I was wrong.
Help me not crawl back to this bull. Even an AMP girl felt bad enough for me to tell me that I could go see her any time even if I did not have money. I am a nice person and do not want to be cruel but I don't like to be a door mat either.
Describe her taint, in detail. If you cannot, then move on.