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Old 09-04-2018, 01:06 PM   #16
Kaly Luxe
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Coretta Scott King says:

I don't get your intention... And I'm not talking about a country where I never visited. I live in UE since many years, travelling a lot and I have contact with police officers on borders by air, land and water. Annoying people. I insist, many of you need to leave the cave sometimes.
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Old 09-04-2018, 01:08 PM   #17
Kaly Luxe
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For me you can build a bigger wall, I'm really happy in Europe where I really know what it means FREEDOM.


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Old 09-04-2018, 01:44 PM   #18
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by KalyEscort View Post
I don't get your intention... And I'm not talking about a country where I never visited. I live in UE since many years, travelling a lot and I have contact with police officers on borders by air, land and water. Annoying people. I insist, many of you need to leave the cave sometimes.
Making such a claim without knowing the experiences of those you declaim would suggest that it is not the people you declaim who live in an echo chamber of their own devise.

I've been to Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Seoul and Rome. I've lived for several months in Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and Afghanistan. There's only three American states I haven't visited, and I have actually lived in 26 of the 50 U.S. states over the course of my life.

I've listened to the citizens of Quebec speak French, I watched cowboys wrestle steers in Calgary and I've panned for Yukon gold; so, no ma'am, I don't live in anybody's basement.

That's just a short list of some of my experiences, but additionally I can read and understand what Coretta Scot King, Samuel Gompers and Cesar Chavez wrote and said about illegals flooding the work place and driving down wages. I can discern that their primary concern about illegals had nothing to do with the color of the illegals' skin, as you so coarsely insinuate, but rather their concern centered around the negative economic impact illegals have on the lives of the American working class.
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Old 09-04-2018, 02:26 PM   #19
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Quite an impressive resume, IBH! Apparently the lady struck an exposed nerve.

However, as someone who's spent a little time outside the cave myself, my observations pretty much parallel hers. Kaly lives and works in the EU and as such knows far more about life over there than someone who doesn't.

And I think I might have panned for gold at the same tourist trap you did! LOL! Did you find any?
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Old 09-04-2018, 03:30 PM   #20
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Quite an impressive resume, IBH! Apparently the lady struck an exposed nerve.

However, as someone who's spent a little time outside the cave myself, my observations pretty much parallel hers. Kaly lives and works in the EU and as such knows far more about life over there than someone who doesn't.

And I think I might have panned for gold at the same tourist trap you did! LOL! Did you find any?
Yes. A quarter ounce -- which was a quarter ounce more than I found in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico on a previous excursion.
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Old 09-05-2018, 05:35 AM   #21
Kaly Luxe
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Yes. A quarter ounce -- which was a quarter ounce more than I found in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico on a previous excursion.

In your country there are more deaths for domestic violence, school shootings (by disturbed people who can buy weapons with the ease of going to the supermarket to buy bread) and settling scores between gangs than because of terrorism, there're more losses of money by large corporations that go to fraudulent bankruptcy to evade taxes and money laundering that of an immigrant in an irregular situation. So your idea of closing the borders is absolutely ridiculous. The cheap labor is the one that keeps the PBI, so yes, I feel embarrassed by people so limited and small.

I was for hollidays in many countries but the impression when you're a tourist is absolutly different than living for more than 1 year (I ever say the first year you can see everything pink). I was living also in Middle East (not vacation, living there). And your perspective as a conservative American is far far away from the reallity, in fact the problems with Greece was for American banks who helped hide and decorating the balance sheets fraudulently.

I was in Barcelona when the terrorist attack and everybody knows the police Mossos d'Esquadra was warned about it and we were in red alert, but for political reasons for the fight and espionage between the national police and the Catalonian police division (Mossos) the warn was ignored. So is not about the borders, is about the politic reason for individual convenience. From 7 million people in Catalonia 2 million want the indepence from Spain, Spain don't want it, then the sabotage. Federal authorities wanna cancell the regional police. Regional police don't share documents with national police.And the terroris were local people, young guys with behavior problems. Guys who were born and rised here. Not inmigrants, not regugees.

In Belgium the terrorist were local people, not inmigrants, not terrorists infiltrated among the refugees. Guys who had a nice house in a residencial zone, rich neighborhood, they went to a private and expensive university, not poor inmigrant working without work permit. And again, the police had the full information about these people.

In France the police are controlling all the borders, when you take the Eurotunnel control even with dogs, if you take a bus you should show your valid passport or ID or the driver don't permit you travel, and police stop the bus in the middle of the route to control the passengers and louggage. And Paris is weird than a track can arrive to a closed street and no one controlled... Yes sure...

In UK the british government released one of the authors of the terrorist attack on the metro, saying that he had terminal cancer and that it was for humanitarian reasons. The terrorist never had cancer, he is not dead. He's at liberty. But that was the condition that put Qatar to sign a millionaire contract with the British petrol. The government itself shits on the victims, local citizens too. No poor immigrant or refugee.

So this is the new Sykes–Picot Agreement where USA and OTAN members (yes UK and France again) with China and Russia are fighting for money and power. Selling armament, providing military training to paramilitary forces (if you look in Youtube even Tony Blair said sorry for that), that they can not control (maybe that's the first intention) to have the excuse to invade and exterminate. Here there are no innocent saints, there's a war where many benefit and use certain specific terrorist attacks (which, according to my point of view, the authorities allow them) to manipulate public opinion and have the perfect excuse to go bombing later.

Here the only harmed are civilians, people like any of us who had a life and had to run with nothing to save the life or the victims of each attack.

The problem is not the border, the problem are the warlords planning with sadism how riches and power are distributed.
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Old 09-05-2018, 07:40 AM   #22
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by KalyEscort View Post
and settling scores between gangs than because of terrorism

So your idea of closing the borders is absolutely ridiculous.
Those two notions are irreconcilable. Open Borders is what allows for the importation of the Mexican products the American street gangs are killing each other over. Noticed you didn't comment on Coretta Scot King's position on cheap foreign labor and how it oppresses American workers, especially blacks. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Originally Posted by KalyEscort View Post
disturbed people who can buy weapons with the ease of going to the supermarket to buy bread
That would be an untrue statement. Do you know what they call people who peddle untrue statements?
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Old 09-05-2018, 08:15 AM   #23
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- But Sykes-Picot agreement...
- Borders!
- Terrorist were european and...
- Borders!
- Sabotage because politic reasons and...
- Borders!
- American banks decorate contability...
- Borders!
- UK arrange the freedom for one terrorist to sign a contract...
- Borders!
- But USA factories moves to produce in Mexico...
- Borders!

Ok, I can't continue with this never ending story

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Old 09-05-2018, 09:02 AM   #24
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Okay Sykes-Picot 1916 Didn't include the US , secret meeting Great Britain , French with the help of Russia , which GB French have ever lived up to the agreement.
Not everything comes back to Borders however a lot as of late does
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Old 09-05-2018, 09:21 AM   #25
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She seems to be talking about Europe, not Trump’s war on Latinos.

Thank you Kaly for giving us a perspective from across the pond. Please continue to post them. Just don’t be too upset by the insults and innuendo hurled your way.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Do you know what they call people who peddle untrue statements?
And who is Coretta SCOT King? I’ve seen that name posted with that spelling twice now and can’t help but be reminded of another immigration debate centered on Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow.

Some of us participated in that ridiculous back and forth for a number of months, as I recall.

Let’s not dredge that up again, OK? Seems like someone is drying to do just that. LOL!
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Old 09-05-2018, 09:24 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Yes. A quarter ounce -- which was a quarter ounce more than I found in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico on a previous excursion.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I’ve been to that one too! Kids loved it. Did you ride the mules?
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Old 09-05-2018, 10:38 AM   #27
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by KalyEscort View Post
- But Sykes-Picot agreement...
- Borders!
- Terrorist were european and...
- Borders!
- Sabotage because politic reasons and...
- Borders!
- American banks decorate contability...
- Borders!
- UK arrange the freedom for one terrorist to sign a contract...
- Borders!
- But USA factories moves to produce in Mexico...
- Borders!

Ok, I can't continue with this never ending story

You need to continue your studies. The Sykes-Picot agreement is merely a talking-point that many who commonly use the term in argument do not understand. The agreement and what actually happened are two entirely different things. And as Rex noted, it was entirely a European thing: not American.

Meanwhile, as noted by Coretta Scot King, Samuel Gompers and Cesar Chavez, excess labor in the labor pool created by illegal immigrants flooding the market drives down wages to the detriment of American workers. That's ECON 101; not racism.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
She seems to be talking about Europe, not Trump’s war on Latinos.

Thank you Kaly for giving us a perspective from across the pond. Please continue to post them. Just don’t be too upset by the insults and innuendo hurled your way.

And who is Coretta SCOT King? I’ve seen that name posted with that spelling twice now and can’t help but be reminded of another immigration debate centered on Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow.

Some of us participated in that ridiculous back and forth for a number of months, as I recall.

Let’s not dredge that up again, OK? Seems like someone is drying to do just that. LOL!

There is no "Trump war on Latinos". That's a fantasy delusion fed to lib-retards by the talking-heads in the lame-stream media.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I’ve been to that one too! Kids loved it. Did you ride the mules?
There were no mules to ride where I went, but did you enjoy your kiddie ride at the place you went to?
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Old 09-05-2018, 10:45 AM   #28
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The kiddies did, IBH.

And ...

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Old 09-05-2018, 10:57 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
i'd like a Royale with cheese. And a beer. thanks.


They don’t call it a Quarter Pounder?
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Old 09-05-2018, 12:05 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
[COLOR="Black"][SIZE="4"]You need to continue your studies.
Who say that? Someone who best adventure was to do shopping in Panama? Read again the Sykes-Picot agreement, if you don't understand it maybe if I have enough time I can draw it with nice designs for you. So now USA is with OTAN and Russia, when the OTAN was created to fight against Russia. Yes to the original agreement now USA is taking the the pizza slice in the name of democracy hahaha. But the essence is the same... Can you get it Mr. Border?

Don't tell me nothing, I'll guess the answer:


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