Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Since we all know the wall is not doable that is a moot point. They have tried to build a wall already and failed. Unless you know how to build one that does not have an environmental impact such as migration and flooding. I would love to hear your plans LOL!
THe reason it's currently not do-able is because the commucrats keep STALLING and blocking it's construction.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Here is the typical way republicans see things, they are more upset that an immigrant did it than they are of the actual death. Maybe they should have saved a few of those thoughts and prayers for this occasion. Seems to be the go to on every other murder in America.
And what's the response from the commies, who ARE the main reaso we have all these sanctuary cities, giving aid and comfort TO those illegals/?
This is why i feel, WE NEED TO start holding those mayors/governors accountable as ACCESSORIES to each of these murders and rapes perpetrated BY these illegal invaders.