Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Knocked up a lesbian and she shit out a kid.
Now it all makes sense sort of.
Like I said when girls go camping together, if rains hit the bars. Its play time.
now that is still good. angle ta play if near a camp ground
This game seems dead
AOL chat use to have men from Mars women form Venus chat rooms. Look for bored wife. in your area. Meet for coffee or a drink to ahem help her cry about hubby.
After a few weeks with one mmmm looked like girl on mod squad. We go for a day time romp at a now gone hotel named Kerby's near ROC way west site. I blew in ta work sick. After the play I'm driving her back to her car to get home to make dinner for hubby. She ducks down OMG its my Hubby going the other way with his sexatary. She make me do a U turn.

he pulls into Kirby's LOL got a room next to one I just left. I get a good look she grabs my camera to take pics. I get a good look at them

its a customer I was to see that day. And I have seen him in hooker bars in ROC. She got some good shots with my 35 with a zoom and fresh roll.for her soon to be lawyer ta look at..
Play keep up till her lawyer cleaned him out. Then she moved back to where from near Albany. We keep in touch for a few years till she remarried another. Her HS sweet heart.
Saw him the next week as my customer crying the blues. It was hard doing my job at but get er done. Well sorry about that news Sir. But your printer is working much better. Next time I saw him at a hooker bar I bought him a beer. Hell I owed him even if he did not know I owed him a beer

ask Paulie, its not easy to get me to buy a round.
So that was how I found her and other wife's of hobbyists that look ok to me. Dude why ya cheating.
AOL and men are from Mars women from Venus.
but like hooker bars, AOL chat seems dead angle now
but any bar still good with luck.
run number run for on topic3
edit add mmmmm if any here got a bored wife as ya chasing others. PM pic maybe we can make a deal