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Old 03-24-2018, 08:22 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by damn.scarlet View Post
Craigslist has taken out there personals section.... smh.
Therapeutic services is still up Ms. LMT ;-) . Also, household services for those offering light dusting and wood polishing.
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Old 03-24-2018, 10:15 AM   #17
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Has everyone gotten out their small address books and updated them yet?
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Old 03-24-2018, 11:42 AM   #18
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Wack-a-mo They shut down one section and everybody moves to another Services/theraputic services and gigs already heating up. Stop blaming Trump he had to sign this because of recent headlines. This is all Mike Pence and the Evangelicals. The only way religion can survive is if you force your ideas on others.
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Old 03-25-2018, 10:30 AM   #19
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But seriously, if they shut down website sections, the business will move to various social media apps along the lines of weChat . If there is a market for a phone app that allows reviews, someone will develop it.
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Old 03-25-2018, 08:38 PM   #20
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Holly shit there goes all the milk and bread, but all of this in hindsight is going to really hurt the ladies. We all know the guys only want to meet for companionship and a therapy session. It helps with PTSD in our own way.
Maybe we should all vote that no one that’s in the House or Congress or Senate, gets to have a Page or Volunteer under them anymore, because it seems they always get caught banging the hot young ones. We shall call that rape and write a law for them!!
I am just guessing but I would think there’s some very high ranking people on this site, that might know how to write a law and get it passed per state. What’s good for the people is good for all.
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Old 03-26-2018, 10:32 AM   #21
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Well now if this is moving the direction I think it is, the ladies are going to feel some real pain if more and more gets shut down. I better start gathering up a few of my favs contact info.

Im sure our US government has a much better moral compass than we do given our current condition of this country. What a joke...
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Old 03-26-2018, 11:49 AM   #22
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If you want to pay for sex, get married and then divorced like god intended. Bunch of heathens up in here.
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Old 03-26-2018, 12:03 PM   #23
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Sounds like the fine ladies will need to work the streets again. Remember Indepence ave, troost, main, central in kcks. the days when ladies would drive around downtown on 12th st
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Old 03-26-2018, 07:40 PM   #24
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I used to enjoy perusing the personal/classified ads in Pitch magazines, even when I had no serious interest in hooking up. I remember when they directed their ads to backpage over a decade ago. This was before newspapers started their decline.
Part of me wonders if personal ads will be published on ink again and bring newspapers back. But I know that is just wishful thinking.
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Old 03-26-2018, 11:25 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by B-Dragon View Post
Well now if this is moving the direction I think it is, the ladies are going to feel some real pain if more and more gets shut down. I better start gathering up a few of my favs contact info.

Im sure our US government has a much better moral compass than we do given our current condition of this country. What a joke...
If they do start feeling the pain, maybe some of them will lower their prices to what it should be, not what they think it is entitled to be. Especially those older providers that think they can charge what the Texas girls can.
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Old 03-27-2018, 12:53 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by IQ160 View Post
If they do start feeling the pain, maybe some of them will lower their prices to what it should be, not what they think it is entitled to be. Especially those older providers that think they can charge what the Texas girls can.
Well I am quite curious what u think "they should be".... Why can't we charge what Texas girls charge.... Bc they are from TX means they are worth more. I mean really... Further who are you to tell us our worth. Every girl on this site is beautiful in a different way. If u don't like older pros then dont see them. What only what society thinks is beautiful from what's fed to us on TV and media is the only girls worth 300 plus an hour? Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder and regardless of age or body type what u don't like or wouldn't hold as your specific type there are 10 to replace you that do.... I think some 9need to think before speaking because it's not always easy doing this job... I know some of you would be in heaven, you think, if you could take our place and there are others of you who don't even consider this a job and think we are just waiting around in the background at your leisure. We'll ur wrong on both accounts. Then thank God, there are the rest of you that were raised right and have class and manners. Actual home training and tact go a long way with me.
I digress.... I think with the personals gone and even less of the outlets for guys to get in contact with us that maybe we girls will just make sure we take real good care of the proven gentlemen or serious guys who have treated us like the ladies we are and had common courtesy and decency. What is more, those who flake or waste our time, say snarky comments on reviews so the clueless dudes can just follow suite like they can't think for themselves and the ones who think they can tell a girl her worth in dollars because they are butthurt or just can't afford it ....
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Old 03-27-2018, 02:29 AM   #27
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Continued from below.. My phone died.... So let me paste what I wrote.

Originally Posted by IQ160 View Post
If they do start feeling the pain, maybe some of them will lower their prices to what it should be, not what they think it is entitled to be. Especially those older providers that think they can charge what the Texas girls can.

Well I am quite curious what u think "they should be"...(our fees) and tell me Why can't we charge what Texas girls charge.... Bc they are from TX means they are worth more. I mean really... Further, sir, who are you to tell us our worth and what we should charge? Bc u think ur so smart that u made ur handle iq160? Well for

1. Someone with an actual IQ of 160, wouldn't go around announcing it and bragging by making it his handle ... However... Maybe it is true and you are proud of it.... Go you! I bet you are not used to failing at something huh?
2. Well I hate. To be the bearer of bad news. But you failed horribly with us girls with that last comment
You obviously lack the social skills needed to be a Gentleman....OR youre just acting like a butthurt baby bc a Specific girl made u mad and ur still upset about it.

Remember this: You are never so smart or so damn important, that you get to stop being nice to other people.

Every girl on this site (young and older) is beautiful and each of us in a different way. If u don't like the more seasoned ladies, then dont see them. However it is obvious to me and most others, some of our more seasoned girls are some of the best providers out there.

You girls know who you are and you inspire me amd. Others daily. Keep up the great work!

Sir: do you think only what society thinks is beautiful from what's fed to you on TV and media is the only type of girls that are worth 350 plus an hour? What did the "older" providers do to you that you need to attack their worth or any of us for what we charge.

Are you the escort pricing gustapo? Did we forget to wear our jew star..... (my grandmother is Jewish so no hating just an example) NO! .... You are correct. You are. not!
surely you have heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and regardless of age or body type what YOU don't like or wouldn't hold as YOUR specific TYPE OF GIRL there are 100 GENTLEMEN to replace you that do.... As for me personally, I may not be everyone's cup of tea but I am somebody's for sure and then some and get this..... so is every girl on here.... TRY USING THAT IQ160 BRAIN AND THINKING before speaking because you don't know our stories or our life. You dont care im sure...... We are all fighting a battle in some way... And it's not always easy being and putting a price on yourself..... And your morals.

So check this out..... I wonder... ARE YOU SOME PRIZE 🏆 sir? Let's see your picture and let us girls give u an honest critique and see how you like it...because it takes a lot of confidence and frankly, balls to put our photos out there for scrutiny EVERYDAY it can sometimes. Be damaging to your self image....but lucky for you sir or maybe not really, unlike men, women are not visually stimulated in the same way men are... we care more about what's in your heart and the words you speak..... Not so much about if you are the youngest hottest...biggest rooster in the pen.

I know.... you don't even consider this a job and think we are just waiting around in the background at your leisure with no thought or feelings like a real girl. Well you couldn't be more wrong. I truly Thank God, there are plenty of true gentlemen I have gotten a chance to meet from this site that were raised right and have class and manners. Actual home training and tact go a long way with me. I enjoy being a provider but yes there are times when I feel like I'm back in high school or worst in real life dealing with men who can't keep their word. It's frustrating bc a man is only as good as his word and if he can't keep that what does that say about him?

So what I charge is just right for me.....but if things get bad I would probably charge more.....bc u too will have less avenues to explore to reach us.... So what will you do? Maybe u will stop whining about our prices bc.... HEY! no one ever said this was a cheap hobby..... Just saying.... And MAYBE JUST MAYBE you will not try charming us ladies with a rude comment about prices and age AND COMPARING US TO GIRLS. IN TX... JUST for us girls to read and make a serious mental note to not see you anytime in the near future or we'll ever..... Sorry.... Not sorry.

I digress.... I think with the personals gone and even less of the outlets for guys to get in contact with us that it could be that we girls will just make sure we take real good care of the proven gentlemen or serious guys who have treated us like the ladies we are, and had common courtesy and decency..... As for the rest who agree with Mr. Brainy.... here 🖐️............ you will need this.

💋 Scarlet
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Old 03-27-2018, 02:46 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet View Post
Therapeutic services is still up Ms. LMT ;-) . Also, household services for those offering light dusting and wood polishing.

I'm gonna start a topless maid service..

Girls: apply within.

Guys: anyone need a maid with 36DDs and her naughty maid friends in classic uniform Of course...?

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Old 03-27-2018, 06:13 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by damn.scarlet View Post
Guys: anyone need a maid with 36DDs and her naughty maid friends in classic uniform Of course...?
Well Scarlet,
That just might cause a guy to also need some nurses ......
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Old 03-27-2018, 09:18 AM   #30
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Default Just in Case...

I have updated information in my Showcase On how to contact me if this site was to experience any changes .. guys make sure you’re paying close attention to your prospective ladies showcases/ads/websites too Incase they have updated information about this as well .
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