Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ronald Reagan pushed the "age" as a class matter to completion!
What made me laugh, is over the past few month's i have debated a # of liberals, who claim that there is "Male privilege"..
Strange, since i see tv ads, and hear all sorts of stories about fathers having to dress up, put on make up etc, to 'princess up with their daughters. BUT not once have i ever heard of anything comparable for mothers and sons.
I see all sorts of stuff for "Take your daughter to work days".. Very few times have i ever seen a "Take your son to work" day.
Girls get 'sweet 16s, don't know of any comparable boys celebration.
Women have many 'female only clubs', but all the men only ones got sued into obscurity (its sexists bro).
Everyone's heard of Father-Daughter dances. BUT can anyone list a mother-son one?
There's a # of women only colleges out there, but i don't know of any male only ones.
Women often can get into certain jobs at a LOWER requirement level than guys do..
SO where is the male privilege??
Once again, showing that to the leftists, its OK to discriminate if its the "Right" group being discriminated against..