Originally Posted by burkalini
I like the bush. It just makes a woman look like a woman and not a little girl.
This is a typical criticism, but one I've never bought into, or particularly cared for. I just don't think a patch of hair is what makes a woman look like a woman, nor do I think a lack of pubic hair makes a full grown adult woman look like a little girl.
If you prefer how a woman looks with a bush, that's great, more power to you, but I never liked the facile implication that a man who prefers a woman clean shaved only feels that way because he secretly want to be with a little girl, because I simply don't think most men view it that way at all.
It really is an age issue more than anything. I'd be willing to bet that almost everyone who has spoken up in favor of pubic hair is over 40. In other words, it is just what you grew up with, so it became your standard for what a woman should look like, but clearly that standard has changed.
Hey, I'm in the above 40 crowd myself, so I grew up in the "full bush era" as well, and it was a little strange the first time I was with a woman who shaved, but after about a minute, I quickly began to see the practical and visual advantages of it. Definitely prefer shaved by a mile now, although a small landing strip is very hot too.
Or as SkylarCruz put it: "Hence, my cool ass soul patch!! Bald where it counts...."
That is way HOT, Skylar!