Over the years I have had several regulars I have seen until thy dissappeared. ne was always A. Never failed to pay. Much longer ago, one was B. I thought she might be, but took the chance. Oh well, she ws in a bad place at the time and desparate. Saw her on facebook recently. She is now hapily maried, out of the hobby and I was glad for her in spite of it. My most recent example needed cash. I asked if she needed an advance until I could see her again next week She said, no I never borrow money. I was surprised and impressed. When you see providers multiple times and build somewhat of a relationship, you can quickly find out how real it is, LOL. The interesting thing is when someone does not pay you back, they are eliminating any future contributions you could have made to her. Perhaps if she does this she is busy enough and does not care or wanted to stop seeing you and grabbed what shd could on the way out.